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Let’s Get Moving – Movement Activities for Children and Teens

In this fun and interactive video, learn more about fun and easy movement activities from a CHOC expert that you can practice with your child today.

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“Let’s Get Moving – Movement Activities for Children and Teens” Transcript

Under 1 year of age: Place your baby on their tummy on a soft blanket on the floor and place colorful toys around them. Try this for 3-5 minutes a couple times a day. Always stay with your baby during tummy time. 1 to 2 years old: Choose a lightweight ball when they are first starting so it can roll easily. Place the ball near their foot. At first, the kick will be more like a push, but with practice they can balance and kick better. 2 years old: Begin with simple gestures that your child can copy, like moving your arms in the air. Then, take turns leading movements. 3 to 5 years old: Blow bubbles outdoors! Can you catch a bubble without popping it? How many do you think you can pop? How high do you think bubbles are floating? 4 to 6 years old: Pretend play is so fun at this age! Ask your child to move like an animal or an airplane! Can they jump like a kangaroo? Walk like a penguin? Run down the runway like an airplane? 4 to 8 years old: Help your child draw a hopscotch or a simple course with chalk. Draw a straight line, a circle, a square, or a zig zag line – get creative! You can tiptoe on the straight line, run around the circle, hop in the square or walk on the zig zag. School-age kids: Playground equipment is full of muscle-strengthening activities like climbing. Playing on the playground is a great way to practice movement! Teens: Activities for teens may include brisk walking, biking, kayaking, hiking, swimming, baseball, softball, skate board, scooter, martial arts, soccer, basketball, dancing and yoga.