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Telehealth Appointments

During these challenging times, CHOC is offering parents peace of mind when it comes to caring for their children’s health and well-being. Kids still need check-ups and access to specialty care. That’s why we’ve kept our offices open with additional safety measures in place and why we are offering telehealth appointments when appropriate, giving you access to our experts from your home.

Primary Care
Call your primary care office to set up a visit with your CHOC pediatrician.

Specialty Care
Call the Patient Access Center at 888-770-2462 to see a CHOC specialist.

Frequently Asked Questions about Telehealth

What is telehealth?
Telehealth appointments are virtual visits with a CHOC provider via a smart phone, tablet or computer. You and your child can take these appointments from home or anywhere with internet access that you feel comfortable. During the appointment, you will see and hear your usual physician or specialist and will be able to interact, ask questions and answer your provider’s questions.

Are all appointments eligible for telehealth?
Primary and specialty care physicians can safely and appropriately deliver care for many conditions via telehealth technology. Your child’s provider will determine if a telehealth appointment is ideal for you. Please note that some types of visits require an in-person appointment.

Is CHOC’s telehealth technology safe and secure?
CHOC uses a special version of Zoom with additional layers of security to ensure the protection of our patients and personal health information. Our telehealth platform has always been and continues to be safe.

What happens once I receive a telehealth appointment?
Once approved for a telehealth appointment, you will receive an email with instructions, troubleshooting tips and a link to access your video appointment. Follow the instructions to begin your appointment. You will first see a virtual “waiting room” that will instruct you to wait for your child’s physician to admit you into the appointment. Do not exit this screen. Once admitted, you will be able to see and hear your child’s provider, and they will be able to see and hear you. Make sure your child is with you so the provider can properly assess them.

Who needs to be present?
Please ensure the patient is present for every telehealth appointment so your provider can properly assess them.

Which doctor will we see during my child’s telehealth appointment?
You will see your regular primary care physician or specialist.

What will we talk about during a telehealth appointment?
You and your child can speak with your provider about anything you would bring up in an in-person appointment. Discuss symptoms, your plan of care and any questions or concerns you have. If needed, your physician can share lab results and X-rays with you as they would in person. Your physician may ask you to help by taking your child’s temperature or showing them a child’s rash, for example.

How much does a telehealth visit cost?
Telehealth visits are billed the same way as in-person appointments. You may be billed your standard co-pay for a visit. Telehealth visits feature your primary care physician or specialist, so you can expect the same high-quality care you’d receive at any CHOC appointment.

Do I have to have a telehealth appointment?
While telehealth may seem awkward or uncomfortable, your physician may prefer to see you via a telehealth visit so that he or she can see you sooner than they would be able to in person. If you prefer an in-person appointment, ask your pediatrician’s office or the Patient Access Center (PAC) when you call for an appointment to see if your provider is okay with waiting until the first available in-person appointment.

What are the benefits of telehealth?

  • Access to CHOC’s pediatric experts: Visit your child’s usual primary care physician or specialist easily and within your schedule.
  • Convenience: Appointments are easy to access at home using any smart phone, tablet or computer.
  • Comfort: Taking your appointment at home can help you and your child feel more comfortable.
  • Time: Save a drive to the clinic or pediatrician’s office and avoid taking extra time away from your usual schedule.
  • Ease: Even if you are new to telehealth, the process is simple. All you need is your smart device and an internet connection.

What to expect during a telehealth appointment

Tips for a great telehealth visit

Mom with daughter looking at screen
Before your visit
Be with your child in a room that is well lit and quiet. Try to limit distractions, but don’t worry – we know you’re balancing a lot at home.
Having a few tools available can be helpful:
  • Thermometer
  • Flashlight or light source
  • Scale – or know your child’s weight
  • Name/location of your preferred pharmacy and laboratory

Teen clicking link on phone
Starting your visit
Follow these steps to start your visit:
  1. Click the link in the email you received from
  2. Download the free Zoom app.
  3. Click the link again to go to the physician’s meeting.
  4. Enter your child’s name. If asked, click “call using Internet audio.”
  5. Stay in the “virtual waiting room” until the physician admits you.

Dad with baby on telehealth appointment
During the visit
Here are a few things to expect from a virtual visit:
  • At first, this exam might “feel” different from a typical visit. That is OK and expected.
  • Ask your child to show the provider their favorite toy or something else to help them feel more comfortable.
  • The doctor or nurse practitioner will ask you help with the child’s exam by taking temperatures or showing a rash.


“I appreciate being able to connect with my child’s neurologist without having to go into the office. It relieved a great deal of anxiety for our family. Thank you!”

“It was amazing to connect with all of our daughter’s treatment team in one telehealth call.”

“(Our endocrinologist) is always so warm and understanding. This did not change via video chat and it was much appreciated that we were able to catch up about our daughter.”

Telehealth Resources

Download and print these handy guides to help you have a successful telehealth visit.

Download this tip sheet for instructions on how to have a telehealth visit on your mobile device.