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Stress Relief Video Series

The CHOC psychology team has developed a series of videos and other educational materials to help kids cope with anxiety and low mood. From breathing techniques to journaling, these practices are simple to do in daily life and can be very effective in relieving stress.
Long live childhood

Mental Health Video Library

Anxiety and Stress Relief Video Series

Funding for the mental health video library was graciously supported by One Wish Grants.

This video library is also available en Español.

Belly Breathing/Diaphragmatic Breathing

In this video, you will learn about a relaxation skill called Belly Breathing, or Diaphragmatic Breathing. This is a good skill to use when it seems like anxiety is getting the best of you, like if you’re thinking about something that makes you so nervous you almost can’t breathe.

Belly Breathing Worksheet


Getting Active

The following video will demonstrate getting active. You can get active when you are bored, nervous or angry to help even out your mood and get back to the things you enjoy.

Getting Active Worksheet


Giving Thanks

The following video will demonstrate the benefits of giving thanks. You can give thanks when you are feeling stressed, frustrated or sad, because it will help you focus on the positive things in your life.

Giving Thanks Worksheet


Guided Imagery

In this video, you will learn about a relaxation strategy called guided imagery. In guided imagery, we get to use our imaginations to focus on our senses and change the way we think and feel.

Guided Imagery Worksheet



The following video will discuss journaling as a coping skill. Journaling is a great way to relieve stress, learn more about yourself, process strong emotions and solve problems.

Journaling Worksheet


Muscle Relaxation

The following video will demonstrate the technique known as muscle relaxation. Muscle relaxation can be used when you are feeling nervous, stressed, angry or upset.

Muscle Relaxation Worksheet


Pay It Forward

The following video will demonstrate the technique known as Pay It Forward. When you act in kind or helpful ways (pay it forward), you may find that you feel happier, yourself!

Pay It Forward Worksheet