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Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)

Female oncology nurse sits with smiling young male patient

CHOC nurses are dedicated to enhancing pediatric acute, critical, and ambulatory care through the creation of new knowledge and the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP). At CHOC, nurses at all levels of the organization are encouraged and supported to engage in:

Clinical Nursing Research at CHOC

Research is the creation of new knowledge and/or the validation of existing knowledge through the use of systematic and rigorous methods (qualitative, quantitative/mixed). Nurses are ideally positioned to design, develop, and conduct research on patient and caregiver interventions, protocols and processes.

Learn about nursing careers at CHOC.

Nursing Research and Innovation Council (NRIC)
The purpose of this shared governance council is to promote the integration of evidence-based practice (EBP), research, and innovation into practice, and facilitate nurse involvement in related activities across the organization. NRIC supports professional governance councils through innovation, evidence-based practice, and clinical research initiatives. Our mission is to engage nurses in these activities and sustain a culture of inquiry that improves patient outcomes at CHOC.

Nurse Scientist
CHOC employs two full-time doctoral-prepared nurse scientists funded, in part, by a grant from West Coast University, who function to develop and maintain a supportive infrastructure; acquire necessary resources, and mentor nurses on project formation, execution, and outcome dissemination.

Nursing Research and Innovation is fortunate to have access to a biostatistician who provides consultation on data analysis and contributes to the design, execution, and reporting of research studies in collaboration with clinicians and scientists.

Learn about our research programs at CHOC’s Research Institute.

Evidence-Based Practice

Best Evidence and Recommendation (BEaR) Statements from CHOC EBP Scholars

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a dynamic process of integrating research, credible sources of knowledge, clinical expertise, and patient & family preferences and values to achieve optimal patient outcomes, enhance practice, and manage health care costs.

The CHOC nursing EBP scholars program is a formal 7-month program that consists of monthly meetings with expert academic faculty. The purpose of this program is for patient care service clinicians to develop competency in the EBP process. EBP Scholars are mentored by nurse scientists and expert academic faculty. Scholars receive education about the EBP process and guidance in developing their own project. The goal is to validate current practice or propose and implement a change in practice based on existing evidence. Upon completion of the program, Scholars develop a Best Evidence and Recommendation (BEaR) statement to disseminate their findings and share practice recommendations

CHOC Best Evidence and Recommendation (BEaR) statements.


Young female nurseInnovation is simply solving problems with creativity and execution.

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” –Walt Disney

Medical Intelligence and Innovation Institute (MI3)
CHOC has embraced innovation with the formation of the Sharon Disney Lund Medical Intelligence and Innovation Institute (MI3) with its monthly meetings and summer internship program. In addition, with the support for a chief intelligence and innovation officer, CHOC is investing in its future in both data analytics/ artificial intelligence as well as innovation in pediatric medicine. CHOC nurses are actively engaged in innovation and are represented on the MI3 Team and through the International Society for Pediatric Innovation (iSPI) network. Nurses participate in education and hackathon events to learn about the latest advances in data intelligence and medical innovations and network and exchange ideas with fellow innovators.

Innovation Lab
Building upon the progress of MI3, CHOC joined the Innovation Lab, a consortium of member health care systems and industry partners focused on transforming healthcare through innovative new products, services and ideas. Innovation Lab is a “technology” incubator that works with CHOC innovators to develop medical products and IT solutions that improve patient care and reduce costs. The Lab is a safe place for CHOC nurses (as well as all associates and physicians) to bring unmet medical needs and ideas for proposed solutions. The Innovation Lab will cover all costs associated with the development and protection of the idea and will return 40 percent of any revenue generated from commercializing the idea to the innovator. The remaining revenue is distributed to CHOC (20 percent) and invested back into the Innovation Lab (40 percent) to fund the development of other innovations.

Innovation Portal
The Innovation Lab has made the process for submitting ideas as easy as possible via a secure online portal:

The site is also a source for participating in innovation challenges and brainstorming sessions with your colleagues.

In addition, CHOC has a dedicated innovation leader—Suzy Engwall—from the Innovation Lab to guide you throughout the process. Suzy can be reached at or at 714-234-6349.

Quality Improvement

CHOC Nurses participate in ongoing quality and process improvement to evaluate and improve outcomes. As nursing research identifies what is best practice and EBP questions whether we are doing the best, Quality Improvement (QI) assesses if we are doing the best thing right every time. Hallmarks of success are posted in the departments throughout the hospital.

The Nursing Quality and Safety Council’s purpose is to promote the best possible patient outcomes through the presentation and discussion of clinical practice and practice related information, evidence-based quality improvements, and safety initiatives – all in an effort to strengthen and improve the quality and safety of the patient care we provide.