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Coping Skills for School-Aged Children

In a world filled with ups and downs, it is important to help our children cope with any difficulties they may face. In this fun and interactive video, narrator Claudia shares the various coping skills she uses after she witnesses two peers fighting. These coping skills can empower other children to navigate the uncertainties of life with resilience and confidence.

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“Coping Skills for School-Aged Children” Transcript

Hello, I’m Claudia! Today when I was walking home from school, I saw two kids fighting and I felt scared and worried. This is what I do to help me feel better when I am scared. I take a deep breath in like I am about to blow out my birthday candles. Count to 1, 2, 3. Then let go of my breath. Then I imagine a happy place – a place that makes me feel calm, like the beach on a sunny day. What is your happy place? Sometimes I draw when I feel big, big feelings and that helps me feel better. Sometimes I go outside and take a walk, go for a run or play a sport. Being outside makes me happy! How about you? Another thing I do when I am scared is look for all the things that are purple in the room I am in. Purple is my favorite color and this helps distract me. Purple bag, purple umbrella, purple ball – I have them all! What is your favorite color? Sometimes I turn on music and listen to songs that help me relax. Tell me your favorite song to listen to when you’re feeling worried or sad. Do you have pets like me? A hug from my puppy helps me feel better! Pick one of these things and try them today. I hope they make you feel better too!