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Check-in at the NICU and Small Baby Unit at CHOC Hospital

This short video will describe what to expect while checking-in when your baby is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit or NICU or Small Baby Unit at CHOC Hospital.

Enter through the hospital’s main lobby and go to the front desk. Let staff know you’re there to join your baby in the NICU or Small Baby Unit.

You may also check in on the second floor.

If it’s your first time coming to CHOC, you will need to show a photo ID.

Front desk staff will give you a badge. Always wear this and keep it for future visits during your baby’s stay.

Next, go to the elevators and head to the second or fourth floor, depending on where your baby is being cared for. If your baby is in the CHOC Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at St. Joseph Hospital, take the north tower elevators to the basement. Then, follow the signs to St. Joseph Hospital.

During future visits, you can proceed directly to the elevators while wearing your badge.