You must be at a CHOC Children's location to enjoy Complimentary Disney Hospital Access. If you’re having trouble connecting, please ensure that you’re connected to CHOC Guest WiFi.
Please note: If your stay is longer than two days, you will have to sign in to Complimentary Disney Hospital Access again after two days.
If you've previously allowed access to your TV Provider on iOS but want (or need) to use the Complimentary Disney Hospital Access during your hospital visit, here's how:
- On your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, go to iOS Settings.
- Select TV Provider from the settings menu.
- Disable DisneyNOW under "Allow TV Provider Access."
- Relaunch DisneyNOW and follow the sign in instructions for Complimentary Disney Hospital Access.
If you'd like to re-allow DisneyNOW access to your TV Provider in iOS and not use Complimentary Disney Hospital Access, here's how:
- On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, go to iOS Settings.
- Select TV Provider from the settings menu.
- Enable DisneyNOW under "Allow TV Provider Access."