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Having long-term video electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring

This short video will describe what to expect while your child is undergoing long-term video EEG monitoring at CHOC Hospital.

An epilepsy monitoring unit technologist will place stickers attached to wires on your child’s head, face and chest using a sticky white paste.

Your child will need to lie still during this time.

The white paste smells funny and the stickers may feel cold and sticky, but they don’t hurt.

They will wrap your child’s head with gauze to keep the stickers in place. It’s important that your child doesn’t scratch or pull at the head wrap.

A camera in your child’s room will allow the technologist to watch your child 24 hours a day.
Your child will also get a colorful pillowcase to help the doctor see your child better on the camera during the test.

A parent or guardian will need to stay with their child in the room for the entire admission. A fold-out bed is provided for you to sleep.