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Lactation services at CHOC Hospital

This short video will describe the lactation services available during your baby’s stay at CHOC Hospital.

CHOC is committed to helping you breastfeed or provide breast milk for your baby while they are in the hospital.

CHOC has breast pumps available at the hospital, if needed. Additional supplies are available upon request.

Parents of patients in the neonatal units will receive a breastfeeding and pumping bundle that includes a basin, soap, pumping kit, sterilizing bag, carrying cooler and informational booklet.

Several pumping rooms are available throughout the hospital if all pumps are being utilized or if you are more comfortable pumping in a private room.

Staff will store your milk properly until your baby needs to eat.

If you need help with breastfeeding, our lactation consultants can help. Lactation consultants are in the hospital Monday through Friday during the day, except on holidays.

Moms who are breastfeeding or pumping for CHOC patients receive free food from CHOC’s cafeteria to help support their nutrition and breast milk production.