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Date Aired: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 | 5:00pm to 6:00pm (PST)

Presenter: Scott Ryan, LMFT, Mental Health Therapist, CHOC Intensive Outpatient Program

Presenter Bio: Scott Ryan is a mental health therapist, LMFT, at Children’s Hospital Orange County that works with suicidal teens, helping them to better regulate their emotions, reduce harm factors and lead them to their life worth living. Scott has been working with children and adolescents since 2004 and has published articles about mental health for CHOC newsletters and speaks to various groups about mental health challenges and treatment to support adolescent wellness.

Presentation Description: A CHOC Child and Adolescent Mental Health expert will talk with parents and school staff about the current research on ADHD, separating the myths about the disorder from the facts, so parents and school staff can get their children the support that they need. This workshop will support identification and understanding of children with ADHD, outlining recommended strategies and treatment to improve outcomes and to help children, parents, and educators feel more effective and equipped.