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Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation for Sleep Apnea (Inspire Device)
CHOC is the first and one of the only pediatric hospitals in the state of California to offer Inspire therapy (hypoglossal nerve stimulation or HNS device), which works inside the body with a patient’s natural breathing process to treat sleep apnea. Our multidisciplinary team consists of otolaryngologists and pulmonologists.
- How does Inspire therapy work? Inspire sends stimulation to the tongue and ensures the airway remains open without interrupting sleep. Patients activate the device with a remote control before bedtime and deactivates it when they wake up. Patients can also use the remote to change the strength of stimulation. The stimulation is not painful or uncomfortable.
- How are patients evaluated for the device? All potential recipients of the device go through a multidisciplinary evaluation with surgeons and pulmonologists who specialize in this surgery.
- What is the procedure like? Inspire is implanted under the skin in the upper right chest and under the chin in an outpatient procedure. Most patients are able to go home the same day of the surgery.
- Will Inspire limit my child’s activities? Inspire does not limit physical activity in children. Outcomes at CHOC have been excellent, and most patients get better sleep at night and experience improved moods, energy and focus.
- Who is eligible for the Inspire device at CHOC? Patients 18 and above with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are eligible. Pretesting for eligibility can begin around 15 years of age. Patients 13-18 years old with Down syndrome and severe OSA may also be candidates.
CHOC becomes the first children’s hospital in California to offer new therapy for patients with obstructive sleep apnea
In a multidisciplinary effort between its otolaryngology and pulmonology divisions, CHOC is now evaluating patients as young as 14 years old for a new device that could be a last-stop solution for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), when traditional treatments have failed.
Inspire is a small device — similar to a pacemaker — that is implanted into a patient’s chest during a same-day, outpatient procedure. Inspire therapy works inside the body with a patient’s natural breathing process to open the airway with mild stimulation during sleep, allowing oxygen to flow naturally. The patient uses a small handheld remote to turn Inspire on before bed, and off when they wake up. The stimulation is very gentle and designed to move the tongue forward without disturbing the patient’s sleep. It should not be painful or uncomfortable.
“At CHOC, we believe a diagnosis, illness or injury shouldn’t put childhood on pause,” says Dr. Jay Bhatt, CHOC pediatric otolaryngologist leading the effort. “Children and teens with OSA miss out on healthy, restful sleep that is critical for staying focused at school, growing normally, and developing social relationships. This is an excellent next step for patients whose OSA didn’t respond to traditional treatments such as tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy or continuous airway pressure therapy (CPAP).”
As the first children’s hospital in California with this program, CHOC Hospital is thrilled to offer a solution to patients age 18 years old and above, who have been struggling with failed OSA treatment for years.
Meet Our Team

Bhatt, Jay MD FAAP
Otolaryngology (ENT)
Office: 714-633-4020
Dr. Jay Bhatt is a otolaryngologist (ENT) who treats ear, nose and throat problems in kids. He performs head-and-neck surgery at CHOC Hospital in Orange.

Chin, Chana I. MD
Appointments: 888-770-2462
Office: 714-509-8622
Dr Chana Chin is board certified in pediatric pulmonology who treats kids and teens in Orange County.

Hong, Hanna MD
Dr Hong is board certified in pediatric pulmonology and is on staff at CHOC Hospital in Orange.

Nakra, Neal MD
Appointments: 888-770-2462
Office: 714-509-8622
Dr. Nakra is board certified in pediatrics, pediatric pulmonary and sleep medicine and treats kids with lung conditions at CHOC Hospital in Orange.

Zhong, Qiu MD
Otolaryngology (ENT)
Office: 714-633-4020
Dr. Zhong is a otolaryngologist (ENT) who treats ear, nose and throat problems in kids. She performs head-and-neck surgery at CHOC Hospital in Orange County.