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Youth with Disabilities

Entering adulthood is a time of change. For individuals with intellectual disabilities, complete independence may not be an option as they will require ongoing support. When planning for any sort of transition, it is important to know what options you have. At CHOC, we provide you with the resources and tools you need to feel empowered by your own decision-making. In this section, we will discuss accessibility to supplemental support, financial planning, education, insurance, housing, and decision-making options.

Deaf teenager having conversation in sign language

Supplemental Programs

  • Supplemental Security Income: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program that provides financial payment to individuals with disabilities to help them meet their basic needs of food, clothing, and housing. To apply and to determine if you meet criteria, visit the SSI website.
  • In-Home Supportive Services: Under the Department of Social Services, In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) is a county specific program that provides financial assistance to help a disabled person with activities of daily living (meal preparation, laundry, shopping, grooming, hygiene, etc.) Payments are provided to caregivers to help with tasks. Family or friends can be certified as a caregiver. To apply and to determine if you meet criteria, visit the IHSS website.
  • Department of Rehabilitation: Through the Department of Rehabilitation, services are provided to assist individuals with disabilities to obtain employment, education, or independent living. Other programs are available. 
  • Regional Center: Under the Department of Developmental Services, Regional center is a county specific organization that provides services to individuals with developmental disabilities. Services such as case management, adult day programs, and other supplemental programs are provided using a person-centered approach. To apply and to determine if you meet criteria, visit the RC website.
  • ACCESS Transportation: Transportation services are available for disabled individuals. Individuals with developmental and physical disabilities can obtain rides to appointments, work, and other places in the community. To apply and to determine if you meet criteria, visit the ACCESS website for your county: (LA), (OC), (R)

Financial Planning and Preparation


  • Adult Transition plan at school: Adult Transition Programs (ATP) are special education programs for students with disabilities after completion of the high school program. This program is for adults 18-22 years old and focuses on daily living skills, work skills, and community experience. Discuss this option at the next IEP meeting.
  • Office of Disability Services: Colleges have a disability services office that assists with accommodations at school. Accommodations may not be the same as in an IEP in high school but have the same goal of providing assistance to increase success.


For more detailed information, please visit the “Insurance and Legal Changes” section.
  • Medicare: This is just one of the types of federal insurance. Generally, this option is available for individuals over 65 years old, but people with disabilities under 65 years old may qualify to receive Medicare benefits.
  • Remaining on parent insurance past the age of 26: Most dependents can remain on a parent insurance until 26 years old. If an adult dependent has a disability that will impact their ability to obtain employment that would provide insurance, they may be able to continue on their parents’ insurance plan. Speak with the Human Resources department of the company providing insurance to determine options.

Housing & Independent Living

Decision-Making Support

There are many options to provide support for young adults while they make big life and medical decisions. Every individual is different and will have different support needs.  Learn more about your decision-making options: Decision Making Chart (English) | Decision Making Chart (Spanish)

Additional Resources and Support

For additional outreach and support options, see below: