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Instructions for Cone Enemas

Cone enemas are used in individuals who have a history of problems emptying their bowels. Our specialists will determine if and when a cone enema should be added to a child’s medical care. Cone enemas are usually begun once per day and then can sometimes be spaced out to every other day if the child is remaining clean of stool.

These instructions for cone enemas do not replace other instructions provided by the child’s specialist. Please contact the Urology Center with any questions or concerns by calling (714) 509-3919.

Instructions for using cone enemas

  1. Attach the cone irrigation tip to the end of the tubing.
  2. Put the amount of lukewarm water instructed by our healthcare providers into the enema bag. Plain water usually works more effectively than saline and is safe to use.
  3. Enemas are not used more than once per day. If the child’s physician has recommended using saline instead of water, you can make saline by adding 1 ½ teaspoons of salt to every 500 cc’s of water.
  4. Hang the bag five to six feet high.
  5. Flush the tubing with water by allowing water to drain completely through the tubing so that no air pushes into the child’s body. Once water has completely filled the tube, reclamp it shut.
  6. Lubricate the tip of the cone.
  7. With the child laying on his or her RIGHT side, insert the tip of the cone into the rectum gently. Do not insert the cone in deeply, as this will hurt the child. Hold the cone in place (usually most easily done from the front if child can help).
  8. Open the clamp on the enema bag to allow the water to run in relatively fast, emptying the full bag in approximately one to two minutes.
    If the child experiences cramping, pause briefly and then resume the enema. If the child experiences pain, STOP filling.
  9. Remove the cone tip after ten to 30 minutes of child lying with entire amount of water in their abdomen.
  10. Move the child onto the toilet. The child should remain on the toilet to drain his or her bowels.
  11. Wash the cone irrigation tip with soap and water. Store it dry until the next use.