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Visiting the outpatient laboratory

This short video will describe what you can expect during your child’s visit for bloodwork at the outpatient laboratory at CHOC Hospital in Orange.

After the admission process, take the elevators by the security kiosk to the lower level. Exit the elevator to the right and take another right down the hallway.

At the lab, sign-in your child at the front desk. Provide the assistant with your child’s paperwork.

A phlebotomist is a staff person who is trained to draw blood. They will call your child into a room, introduce themselves and explain the procedure.

Your child may sit in the chair alone or in your lap. If your child is too small to sit up, you might be asked to lay your child on the bed or fold-down table in the room.

The phlebotomist will ask to see your child’s patient I-D wristband and ask their full name and date of birth. The phlebotomist will compare this information with the lab orders, print the specimen labels and confirm again that the information for your child is correct.

CHOC phlebotomists are specially trained to work with children. Their goal is to draw blood with one poke. After the blood is drawn, they will wrap your child’s arm with gauze and tape.

The phlebotomist will let you know when the test results should be available and ensure you know how to get the results from your child’s doctor.

On your way out, your child will be rewarded for their bravery with a prize from a treasure toy chest.