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Registration at CHOC Hospital

This short video will describe what to expect during registration at CHOC Hospital.

After checking in at the reception desk, you may be asked to meet privately with an admitting representative.

If you checked in on the second floor, you will need to go to the first floor.

You might need to wait for a few minutes before a representative is available.

Once inside the office, the representative will review your child’s contact and insurance information.

The representative can discuss any insurance concerns you may have.

The admitting process takes a few minutes. Ask our representative for crayons and paper for your child.

You may be asked to pay your copay, deductible or out-of-pocket costs.

Your child will receive an identification wrist band and you will receive form of identification as well.

Once you have your wrist bands, you’ll be on your way to check in on the floor where your child will be treated.