Free 24/7 Nurse Advice Line: 844-GET-CHOC.

Neonatology Referrals

Refer to CHOC Specialists Neonatology:


CHOC Specialists Neonatology proudly offers a team of board-certified neonatologists with privileges at more than a dozen hospitals across Southern California. With 67 beds in Orange and another 22 beds in Mission Viejo, our neonatology program is ranked among the top 20 in the country by U.S. News & World Report.

Our neonatologists provide advanced care for critically ill infants including those referred for surgical emergencies, medical, genetic, neurologic and metabolic problems as well as the tiniest babies, those born between 24 and 28 weeks gestation or weighing less than 1,000 grams.

Families are an important part of a baby’s care team. Parents are invited to attend daily interdisciplinary rounding with their baby’s team. Our neonatologists provide around-the-clock, in-unit coverage at all CHOC NICUs and most other sites served.

Innovative specialty care programs include the Small Baby Unit, the Surgical NICU, body cooling for neurocritical care, neo-cardiology, ECMO and neonatal transport.

Prenatal Referrals:

Some neonatal conditions may be identified during prenatal testing. OB/GYN specialists or perinatologists who identify a problem may make a referral to our neonatologists. We will meet one-on-one with a family, along with our top specialists, to review a baby’s condition and plan for care that will take place after the baby is born. For prenatal referrals, please call CHOC Specialists Neonatology at 714-509-4373.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Referrals:

When a baby is born, the CHOC Transport Team is ready and waiting to transport newborns to CHOC from other hospitals in Southern California. Our neonatologists and surgeons are available for consultations with other hospitals around the clock and are able to collaborate with referring physicians via phone, telemedicine and secure text messaging. To consult with our team or schedule a transport, referring hospitals may call the CHOC NICU at 714-509-8540.

For any questions or to request a consultation with an on-call neonatologist, available 24/7,
please call 714-509-8540.

Specialty Care Physician Concierge Service

To connect with a physician concierge representative, call 714-509-4013, or pingmd@cs concierge.
Our physician concierge service expedites provider-to-provider* communication with CHOC specialists.

Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Also assists with:

  • Urgent patient referrals requiring provider-to-provider communication
  • Access issues for urgent appointments
  • Scheduling concerns or inquiries
  • Access to specialists, “doctor of the day” or specialty division staff

For all other questions regarding referrals, please contact Physician Relations at 714-509-4291.

* Medical providers only, as clinical information will be discussed.