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Injury Prevention

We understand that as a parent, you want to protect your child as much as possible. At CHOC, we are dedicated to injury prevention, because we believe injuries shouldn’t put childhood on pause. More children are affected by injuries than all other childhood illnesses and diseases combined.

CHOC trauma center treats more than 10,000 children with injuries every year. Most of these injuries are predictable and preventable. By providing education, research and evidence-based programs in collaboration with the community, our injury prevention team strives to make Orange County the safest county in America, and keep childhood alive and well.

young girl sitting in secured car seat

Injury Prevention Articles

young girl wearing helmet and riding scooter

CHOC has a commitment to create a safe community for families. Our injury prevention program provides parents and children with safety tips and education.

For instance, our education topics include teen driving, car seats, drowning prevention and more.

Safety Advice for Parents

Programs & Partners

Safe Kids Orange County

Safe Kids Worldwide is a nonprofit organization helping families and communities keep kids safe from injuries in the US and beyond. The Safe Kids Orange County coalition is led by CHOC, providing resources to keeping your kids safe and reduce unintentional injuries.

OC Injury Prevention Coalition

The OC Injury Prevention Coalition is made up of all Orange County trauma centers. Our goal is identifying and prioritizing the most common causes of injury and developing trauma injury prevention programs.

OC Drowning Prevention Task Force

The Orange County Drowning Prevention Task Force aims to reduce drowning incidents and fatalities in Orange County. Our partnership raises awareness on the issue of drowning, and remind parents and caregivers that it is preventable.

Stop the Bleed

Our trauma team has better prepared over 2,000 community members how to save lives by teaching basic bleeding control techniques.