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FAST Program at CHOC

The Thompson Autism and Neurodevelopmental Center at CHOC is proud to partner with Chapman University’s Thompson Policy Institute (TPI) to bring the Families, Agencies and Schools Together (FAST) program to CHOC, a valuable resource for CHOC families of children with autism spectrum disorder.

What is the FAST Program?

Originally developed in 2012 by faculty within Chapman’s Attallah College of Educational Studies and TPI, the FAST program was designed to assist schools and families of children with disabilities as they navigate the school system, from preschool through college. The program’s goals are to educate families, agencies and the medical community about the Special Education process; build collaborative and effective family/school relationships; increase knowledge and skills of school and community-based service providers; and create high-quality learning plans for school-age kids. The program will provide trainings as well as individual and small group consultations to both families and to local schools.

The FAST Team

FAST is a group of educational professionals and graduate students from Chapman University’s Attallah College of Educational Studies’ Counseling and School Psychology Program. FAST provides meaningful support and solutions to families and schools through consultation, parent workshops and professional development.

The FAST team members have collective expertise in:

  • IEP (Individualized Education Plan) development and implementation
  • Psychoeducational assessment and multidisciplinary assessment interpretation
  • Behavioral, socio-emotional and academic interventions
  • Developing collaborative family/school relationships
  • Helping families understand Special Education legal guidelines, policies and procedures
  • Supporting families with transition planning

FAST Program Resources

Family Resources

We offer educational services designed to support families as they navigate the Special Education process. These include:

  • Workshops (including Success in Special Education – Basics and IEP Navigation)
  • Consultations (including reviewing IEPs, assessment reports and preparations for IEP meetings)
    • Ed Con (one-time consultation)
    • Multiple consultation sessions

Note: family consultation referrals currently are made only through a Thompson Autism and Neurodevelopmental Center provider.

School Resources

We offer personalized consultation and professional development opportunities for educational professionals as they support the needs of the students and families they serve.

  • Consultations
    • Student consultations
    • Program development/improvement
    • Professional development
  • Linking and collaborating with outside agencies

To schedule a school consultation or professional development for educators, please contact our FAST Director at 714-628-2825.

Medical and Clinical Community Resources

We offer personalized consultation and professional development opportunities for medical and clinical professionals as they support the educational needs of the students and families they serve.

  • Consultation
    • Ed Con (guidance on individual cases)
  • Professional Development
    • Special Education 101

To schedule a consultation or professional development for the medical and clinical community, please contact our FAST Director at 714-628-2825.

Contact Us

Please reach out to the FAST Program at CHOC for general inquiries, or to schedule professional development for educators or the medical community.

  • Phone: 714-628-2825

young boy sitting in Thompson Autism Center