What to expect during long-term video EEG monitoring

If your child is having long term video EEG monitoring done, he or she will wear an EEG transmitter, which is connected to a wall outlet. The transmitter includes up to 40 electrodes that are painlessly attached to your child’s scalp using a special paste. Your child’s head is then wrapped in gauze to secure the electrodes in place. Our child life specialists can be on hand to help your child through the process, using calming and distraction techniques.
Wall-mounted infrared video cameras will also record your child during long-term video EEG monitoring. Both recordings are transmitted digitally so a physician can monitor them, even from another location. Your child can move about and do normal activities like napping, talking and watching TV.
In some cases, if your child is having epilepsy surgery, your child’s doctor may use intracranial long-term monitoring to pinpoint the seizure focus. This more invasive procedure involves placing electrodes directly on the surface of the brain. Learn more about intracranial monitoring.