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NPO Guidelines

What are the NPO guidelines?

It is very important that children not eat or drink before surgery. This process is known to many as “fasting.” Doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals refer to it as “NPO.” These preoperative fasting guidelines are put in place for your child’s safety and protection.

Why should children NPO before surgery?

It is important that patients follow the guidelines exactly how they as detailed below. Failure to follow any of the NPO guidelines below will result in postponement, or even cancellation, of the child’s surgery. Certain procedures may require special preoperative fasting instructions. If you receive separate instructions from your surgeon or the physician performing the procedure, those should be followed carefully.

NPO guidelines for babies younger than 6 months of age:

  • No clear liquids up to three (3) hours before surgery.
  • No breast milk up to four (4) hours before surgery.
  • No formula milk up to six (6) hours before surgery.
  • No solid food up to eight (8) hours before surgery.

Surgery and the preoperative process can be stressful for babies, but unlike older children caregivers cannot fully explain to the infant what will be happening. For this reason, it is important for caregivers to understand some of the reasons that infants may feel stress and ways they can help provide reassurance and comfort.

NPO guidelines for children 6 months of age or older:

  • No clear liquids up to three (3) hours before surgery.
  • No breast milk up to six (6) hours before surgery.
  • No formula milk up to eight (8) hours before surgery.
  • No solid food up to eight (8) hours before surgery.

What are solid foods in NPO preoperative fasting guidelines?

Solid foods include regular food, non-human milk, juice, nectar, vegetable juice, Jell-O, gum and candy.

What are clear liquids in NPO preoperative fasting guidelines?

Clear liquids include clear apple juice, sugar water, water, 7-Up and balanced salt solution (Gatorade type drinks).