Dr. Antoine "Tony" E. Khoury, Urology

- Antoine "Tony" E Khoury MD
- Appointments:
888-770-2462 - Office: 714-509-3919
- Specialty: Urology
- Board Certified: Urology
- Additional Languages: French, Arabic
A world-renowned expert in pediatric urology, Dr. Khoury specializes in the medical and surgical management of complex pediatric urology anomalies, including reconstructive surgery for incontinence, genital anomalies, renal transplantation and oncology. Dr. Khoury is the chief of pediatric urology at both CHOC and UC Irvine Medical Center.
Dedicated to clinical excellence, Dr. Khoury is board certified in urology. Prior to joining CHOC, Dr. Khoury received his medical degree at Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt and completed a residency in urology at the University of Toronto. Dr. Khoury completed his clinical fellowship and a research fellowship in pediatric urology at the Hospital of SickKids in Toronto, Canada followed by a research fellowship at the University of Calgary, where he focused on biomaterial-related infections.
Antoine "Tony" E Khoury MD is on staff at CHOC Hospital in Orange .
CHOC Urology Center
505 S Main St #100
Orange, CA 92868
phone: 714-509-3919
fax: 866-529-9704
UC Irvine Health
333 City Blvd W #2100
Orange, CA 92868
CHOC Center for Children’s Health
Building: Joe C. Wen & Family Center for Advanced Care, UCI Health – Irvine
19200 Jamboree Rd., Suite 2000
Irvine, CA 92612
- Medical School
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt - Residency – Urology
University of Toronto, Canada - Fellowship – Pediatric Urology
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada - Research Fellowship – Pediatric Urology
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada - Research Fellowship – Biomaterial-Related Infections
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Academic Appointments
- Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
- Professor, Urology, University of California Irvine, Orange, California
Administrative Appointments
- Chair, Urology, CHOC
- Chief, Pediatric Urology, UC Irvine Medical Center
- Medical Director, Urology, CHOC
Honors and Awards
- Orange County Urological Association Award: 1st Prize Guy Hidas for Aerosol Transfer of Blader Urothelial and Smooth Muscle Cells onto Demucosalizsed Colonic Sements for Bladder Augmentation in Vivo: Long Term and Functional Results
- Orange County Urological Association Award: 3rd Prize Guy Hidas for Is the Appearance of the Deflux Mound Predictive of Reflux Resolution?
Professional Organizations
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Association of Genitourinary Surgeons
- American Urological Association
- American Urology Association
- Canadian Urological Association
- Cochrane Renal Group
- International Continence Children’s Society
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of the National Institute of Health
- North American Task Force on Intersexuality (NATFI)
- World Health Organization (WHO)- International Union Against Cancer (UICC)
Presentations and Abstracts
El-Hout, Licht C, Eeg KR, Lorenzo AJ, Salle JLP, Bagli DJ, Khoury AE, Farhat WA: Hypertension in children with poorly functioning kidney: Predictors of resolution after nephrectomy: Journal of Urology Volume: 179 Issue: 4 Pages: 412-412 Supplement: Suppl. S Published: APR 2008
Braga LH, Lorenzo AJ, Ei-Hout Y, Farhat WA, Bagli DJ, Khoury AE, Salle JLP: Should we still use Onlay Island Flap for penoscrotal hypospadias repair Source: Journal of Urology Volume: 179 Issue: 4 Pages: 408-409 Supplement: Suppl. Published: APR 2008
Al Mandil M, Khoury AE, Souab Mm,Farhat WA, Salle JLP: Referral pattern of primary undescended testes to a childern hospital in North America: Are we meeting the current recommendation in the management of cryptorchidism : Source: JOURNAL OF UROLOGY Volume: 179 Issue: 4 Pages: 145-145 Supplement: Suppl. S Published: APR 2008
Braga L H, Lorenzo AJ, Jrearz R., Bagli DJ, Farhat W, Salle JLP, Khoury AE: Gender-based outcome analysis after complete primary repair of bladder exstrophy (CPRE): Source: Journal of Urology Volume: 179 Issue: 4 Pages: 95-95 Supplement: Suppl. S Published: APR 2008
Braga L H, Lorenzo AJ, Jrearz R, Bagli DJ, Farhat W, Salle JLP, Khoury AE, Suoub, M, Salle, Gabriela, Mahdi, Mohamed, Farhat A Walid: Risk Factors for Fistula Formation (FF) after tip repair: Single Center Multivariable Analysis of 601 Distal Hypospadias.: Source: AAP Joint Pediatric Urology Meeting, October 2008
Braga L H, Lorenzo AJ, Jrearz R, Bagli DJ, Farhat W, Salle JLP, Khoury AE : Does Bilateral Ureteral Reimplantation at the time of primary bladder exstrophy closure (CPRE-BUR) Protect the Upper Tracts Source: AAP Section on Urology, October 2008
Khoury A (Khoury, Antoine): Screening For Reflux – What Price Reassurance Source: Journal of Urology Volume: 181Issue: 2 Pages: 445-446 Published: Feb 2009
Luis H Braga, Armando J Lorenzo, Angela Assal, Bruno Leslie, Walid A Farhat, Darius J Bagli, Joao L Pippi Salle, Antoine E Khoury Increased bladder capacity develops with age, regardless of intial treatment: A single center 15- year longitudinal follow-up study in patients with posterior uretheral valves (PUV) The Journal of Urology April 2009 Vol. 181, Issue 4, Page 172
Bruno Leslie, Katherine Moore, Darius J Bagli, Walid A Farhat, Anthony Cook, Antoine E Khoury, Joao L Pippi-Salle, Aramando J Lorenzo Outcome of antibiotic prophlaxis cessation in patients with persistent vesico-urertal reflux who inittally presented with a febrile urinary tract infection The Journal of Urology April 2009 Vol. 181, Issue 4, Page 223
Yaser El-Hout, Armando J. Lorenzo, Antoine E Khoury, Walid A. Farhat, Darius J Bagli, Joao L. Pippi Salle: Preliminary assessment of a mathematical model to predict penile length after dorsal plication in hypospadias repair. The Journal of Urology April 2009 Vol. 181, Issue 4, Page 115
Antoine Khoury, Improved Cosmetic Outcome for the Clitoral Reduction Component of Feminizing Genitoplasty Journal of Pediatric Urology, Volume 6, Supplement 1, April 2010, Page S87
Armando Lorenzo, Frank Papanikolaou, Joao Pippi Salle, Darius Bagli, Bruno Leslie, Antoine Khoury Development of Macroplastique® Bolus Calcification Detected During Long Term Follow-Up After Injection for Vesico-Ureteral Reflux Journal of Pediatric Urology, Volume 6, Supplement 1, April 2010, Page S29
Liss MA, Khoury A, Dash A. Thirty-three-year-old man presents with abdominal mass with empty scrotum.Urology 2012 Nov; 80(5):971-3. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2012.08.011. Epub 2012 Sep 19. No abstract available PMID: 22999446 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
Khoury A. Commentary to ‘Long-term incidence of urinary tract infection after ureteral reimplantation for primary vesicoureteral reflux’.J Pediatr Urol. 2012 Aug;8(4):450-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2012.02.007. Epub 2012 Apr 11. No abstract available.PMID:22498009 PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
Khoury A, Schmid WR. Commentary to ‘Long-term results of endoscopic treatment of vesicoureteral reflux in children with different materials’.Pediatr Urol. 2013 Feb;9(1):76-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2012.01.006. Epub 2012 Feb 26. No abstract available.PMID:22373654 [PubMed – in process]
Khoury AE, Dave S, Peralta-Del Valle MH, Braga LH, Lorenzo AJ, Bägli D.BJU Severe bladder trabeculation obviates the need for bladder outlet procedures during augmentation cystoplasty in incontinent patients with neurogenic bladder. BJU Int. Jan 2008 Pages 223-226
Braga LH, Lorenzo AJ, Bägli DJ, Khoury AE, Pippi Salle JL. Outcome analysis of Isolated male epispadias: single center experience with 33 cases, Journal of Urology March 2008 Pages: 1107-12
Dave S, Pippi Salle JL, Lorenzo AJ, Braga LH, Peralta-Del Valle MH, Bägli D, Khoury AE. Is Long- Term bladder deterioration ineveitable following successful isolated bladder outlet procedures in children with neuopathic bladder dysfunction Journal of Urology May 2008 Pages 1991-1996
Wallis MC, Lorenzo AJ, Farhat WA, Bägli DJ, Khoury AE, Pippi Salle JL. Risk assessment of incidentally detected complex renal cysts in children potential role for a modification of the Bosniak classification. Journal of Urology July 2008 Pages 317-321
Al-Mandil M, Khoury AE, El-Hout Y, Kogon M, Dave S, Farhat WA. Potential Complications with the prescrotal approach for the palpable undescended testis A comparison of single prescrotal incision to the traditional inguinal approach. Journal of Urology August 2008 vol. 180 Pages: 686-689 Pippi Salle JL, Cook A, Papanikolaou F, Bägli D, Breen SL, Charron M, Braga LH, Lorenzo AJ, Khoury AE. The importance of obtaining conjugate views on renographic evaluation of large hydronephrotic kidneys: and invitro and exvivo analysis. Journal of Urology October 2008 Volume 180 Pages 1559-65
Our urologists commonly treat:
- Newborn circumcision
- Hernia / Hydrocele
- Hypospadias / Chordee
- Undescended Testes / Retractile Testicle
- Hydronephrosis
- Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR)
- Dysfunctional Bladder
- Urinary Retention
- Bladder Exstrophy
- Neurogenic Bladder/Spina Bifida
- Urinary Tract Infection
- Incontinence, Nocturnal Enuresis (Bed Wetting)
- Phimosis
- Kidney Stones
- Urethral Stricture
- Duplicated Kidney
- Solitary Kidney
- Disorders of Sexual Differentiation

Dr. Tony Khoury, chief of pediatric urology at CHOC, describes bladder exstrophy and what effects it has on children who have the condition.

In this video, Dr. Tony Khoury, chief of pediatric urology at CHOC, addresses the complications of neurogenic bladder.

Dr. Tony Khoury, chief of pediatric urology at CHOC, discusses the unique care and treatment of bladder exstrophy in multidisciplinary fashion.

In this segment, Dr. Tony Khoury, chief of pediatric urology, talks about importance of independence for an adolescent or teenager with neurogenic bladder.

Dr. Tony Khoury, chief of pediatric urology of CHOC, explains what disorders of sexua Children'l differentiation (DSD) mean and how it relates to gender.
Health Topics

Bedwetting occurs more frequently in boys than in girls, and the problem usually stops once the child is motivated and ready to work on staying dry.