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Jessica Latorre, Nurse Practitioner

Jessica Latorre, Nurse Practitioner

  • Jessica Latorre NP
  • Appointments:
  • Office: 714-639-0662
  • Specialty: Pediatrics
  • Board Certified: Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Jessica Latorre is a nurse practitioner and is a member of the CHOC Primary Care Network who treats kids and teens in Orange County.

Jessica Latorre NP is on staff at CHOC Hospital in Orange .


Allevato Pediatrics
431 S. Batavia Street, Suite #203
Costa Mesa, CA 92868
phone: 714-639-0662


  • Medical School
    California State University of Long Beach (MSN), Long Beach, CA
    California State University of Fullerton, (BSN), Fullerton, CA