Dr. Ira T. Lott, Pediatric Neurology

- Ira T Lott MD
- Appointments:
714-456-5333 - Specialty: Child Neurology
- Board Certified: Pediatrics, Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology
Dr. Lott is the director of the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Down Syndrome Society in New York and has received the national research award from the Down Syndrome Society and the Christian Pueschel Memorial Research Award from the National Down Syndrome Congress. In addition, he received the Spotlight Award from the California State Senate for his work with the developmentally disabled.
Recognized nationally as an expert in developmental disabilities, Dr. Lott has been invited to be a member of the Developmental Biology Study Section for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development, NIH/NICHD to serve a term between 2011-2015.
Dr. Lott attended medical school at Ohio State University College of Medicine graduating with honors. Dr. Lott completed his internship and residency in pediatrics at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA. Dr. Lott served his residency in child neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Lott is consistently voted as one of Orange County’s Top Doctors by the Orange County Medical Association.
Ira T Lott MD is on staff at CHOC Hospital in Orange and CHOC Mission Hospital.
UC Irvine Medical Center
101 The City Drive ZC 4482
Orange, CA 92868
phone: 714-456-5333
fax: 714-456-8644
- Medical School
Ohio State University College of Medicine - Internship
Children’s Services, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA - Residency
Second Assistant Residency in Children’s Services, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA - Residency
Junior Assistant Residency in Neurology Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA - Residency
Assistant Residency in Neuropathology, Chief Residency in Child Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA - Residency
Senior Resident in Child Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA - Fellowship
Assistant Residency in Neuropathology, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Natiional Institutes of Health, Bethesd - Fellowship
Research Fellowship in Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Korbel JO, Tirosh-Wagner T, Lott IT, et al, The genetic architecture of Down syndrome phenotypes revealed by high-resolution analysis of human segmental trisomies. Proceedings Natl. Academy of Science, USA 21: 106(29) 12031-36, 2009
Skotko BG, Capone GT, Kishnani PS, et al, Postnatal diagnosis of Down syndrome: synthesis of the evidence on how best to deliver the news. Pediatrics. 124 (4) 715-18, 2009
Lott IT, Dierssen M. Neurological Complications of Down Syndrome: Invited Review, Lancet Neurology 9, 623-33, 2010
Gardiner K, Herault, Y, Lott IT, Atonarakis SE, Reeves RH, Dierssen M: Down Syndrome: from understanding the neurobiology to therapy, J. Neuroscience, 30(45):14943-5, 2010
Coskun PE, Wyrembak J, Derbereva O, Melkonian G, Doran E, Lott IT, Head, E, Cotman CW and Wallace, DC. Systemic Mitochondrial Dysfunction and the Etiology of Alzheimer Disease and Down Syndrome Dementia, J Alzheimers Dis. 20 Suppl 2:S293-310, 2010
Virji-Babul N, Moiseev A, Moiseeva N, Sun W, Ribary U, and Lott IT. Altered brain dynamics during voluntary movement in individuals with Down syndrome. Neuroreport, 22(7):358-64, 2011
Lawrence CJ, Lott IT, Haier RJ: Brain studies of autism, mental retardation and Down Syndrome: What can we learn about intelligence In: Neurobiology of Exceptionality, Edited by Con, Con, Stough, Plenum Press, (in press).
Cenini G, Dowling AL, Beckett TL, Barone E, Mancuso C, Murphy MP, Levine H 3rd, Lott IT, Schmitt FA, Butterfield DA, Head E. Association between frontal cortex oxidative damage and beta-amyloid as a function of age in Down syndrome. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1822(2):130-8, 2012
Lott IT, Doran E, Nguyen VQ, Tournay A, Head E, Gillen DL. Down syndrome and dementia: a randomized, controlled trial of antioxidant supplementation. Am J Med Genet A.155A(8):1939- 48, 2011
Head E, Doran E, Nistor M, Hill M, Schmitt FA, Haier RJ, Lott IT. Plasma amyloid- as a function of age, level of intellectual disability, and presence of dementia in Down syndrome. J Alzheimer’s Dis. 23(3):399-409, 2011
Lott IT, Doran E, Movsesyan N, Nguyen VQ, Tournay A, Gillen DL, Down Syndrome and dementia: Seizures and Cognitive Decline, J. Alzheimer’s Disease, J Alzheimers Dis.29(1):177-85, 2012
Lott IT, Antioxidants in Down Syndrome (invited paper), Biochim Biophys Acta 822(5):657-63, 2012
Lott IT, Neurological Phenotypes Across the Lifespan in Down syndrome (invited paper), Prog Brain Res. 197:101-21, 201
Head E, Silverman W, Patterson D, Lott IT, Aging and Down Syndrome, Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res. 2012;2012:412536. Epub 2012 Jul 11. PMID: 22844278