Dr. Mark H. Ellis, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology

- Mark H Ellis MD
- Office: 714-633-6363
- Specialty: Allergy/Immunology
- Board Certified: Pediatrics, Allergy and Immunology
With more than 20 years of experience, Dr. Ellis is actively involved in the evaluation of safety and efficacy of both adult and pediatric asthma and allergy medication for pharmaceutical companies. He has been involved in asthma research projects and studies relating to allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, urticaria, and atopic dermatitis.
A respected expert in allergy and immunology, Dr. Ellis collaborates with his colleagues in CHOC Specialists allergy and immunology division and physicians in the gastroenterology division on a study of anti-interleukin-5 in the treatment of children with eosinophilic esophagitis. Dr. Ellis collaborates with his colleagues on testing anti-interleukin-5 on asthma patients and the drug Xolair. He specializes in the treatment and management of allergies and asthma, including specialized care for sinusitis.
Dedicated to clinical excellence, Dr. Ellis is board certified in pediatrics and allergy and immunology. He attended medical school at the Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans. He completed his internship and residency at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center in Phoenix, and served his fellowship at UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange County, California.
Recognized as a leader in his field, Dr. Ellis is consistently voted as one of Orange County’s Top Doctors as designated by the Orange County Medical Association.
Asthma, immunodeficiency, food allergies, and atopic dermitis
Research FocusAllergic rhinitis, sinusitis, urticaria, and atopic dermatitis
Mark H Ellis MD is on staff at CHOC Hospital in Orange and CHOC Mission Hospital.
More about Dr. Ellis
- Chair, Allergy and Immunology, CHOC
- Division Chief, Allergy and Immunology, CHOC Specialists
- Medical School
Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA - Residency
University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, AZ - Fellowship
University of California, Irvine Medical Center, Allergy-Immunology Fellowship, Irvine, CA
Since 1986, Dr. Ellis has been involved in approximately 71 asthma research projects and more than 20 studies relating to allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, urticaria, and atopic dermatitis. Dr. Ellis is actively involved as principal investigator and sub-investigator in the evaluation of safety and efficacy of both adult and pediatric asthma and allergy medication for pharmaceutical companies. He is currently collaborating with his colleagues in CHOC’s allergy, asthma, and immunology division and physicians in the gastroenterology division on a study of anti “interleukin-5 in the treatment of children with eosinophile esophagitis. He is also collaborating with his allergy, asthma, and immunology division colleagues to test anti-interleukin-5 on asthma patients and the drug Xolair.
Through his many years of research, Dr. Ellis has been published in journals including the Journal of Infectious Diseases, the Annals of Allergy, the Journal of Pediatrics, and Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
- Orange County Medical Association’s Physicians of Excellence 2010-2012
Ellis M. Successful Treatment of Chronic Urticaria Using Leukotriene Antagonists. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998; 102:876-77.
Nayak A, Ellis M, Gross G, Mendelson L, Schenkel E, Lanier B, Simpson B, Mullin M, Smith J. The Effects of Triamcinolone Acetonide Aqueous Nasal Spray on Adrenocortical Function in Children With Allergic Rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1998; 101:157-62.
Telez-Diaz G, Ellis M, Morales-Russo F, Heiner D. Prevalence of Avocado Allergy Among Atopic Patients. Allergy Proceedings, September-October 1995:16:5:241-243.
Konig P, Eigen H, Ellis M, Ellis E, Blake K, Geller D, Shapiro G, Welch M,
Chiu J, Nelson B, Sokol W, Ellis M, Galant S, and Novey H. Extended Evaluation of Diagnostic Skin Testing Practices in Orange County, California.Allergy Proceedings, July-August 1993:14:4:283-286.
Ellis M, Short J, and Heiner D. Anaphylaxis Following Ingestion of a Recently Introduced Hydroyzed Whey Protein Formula. Journal of Pediatrics, 1991:118:74-77.
Ellis M and Gallup J. Aeroallergans in Southern California. Chapter in Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America. William Solomon Editor. WB Saunders, 1989:9:365-380.
Ellis M, Haydik L, Gillman S, Cummins L and Cairo M. Immediate Adverse Reactions to Acetaminophen in Children: Evaluation of Histamine Release and Spirometry. Journal of Pediatrics, 1989: 114:654-656.
Shimizu M, Vayuvegula B, Ellis M, Gluck L, and Gupta S. Regulation of Immune Functions by Human Surfactant. Annals of Allergy, 1988, 61:459-462.
Ellis M, Gupta S, Galant S, Hakim S, Vandeven C, Toy C, and Cairo M. Impaired Neutrophil Function in Patients with AIDS or AIDS-Related Complex: A Comprehensive Evaluation. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1988. 158: 1268-1276.
Gupta S, Ellis M, Cesario T, Ruhling M, and Vayuvegula B. Disseminated Cryptococcal Infection in a Patient with Hypogamma-globulinemia and Normal T Cell Functions. American Journal of Medicine, 1987: 82:129-131
Ellis M, Cruz-Rivera M, Walten-Bowen K, Smith JA. Improved Asthma Control with Once-Daily Budesonide Inhalation Suspension (BIS; Pulmicort Respules „¢) in Children <4 and > 4 Years of Age. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1999: Vol 103 No 1, Part 2 PS130.
Ellis M, Jacobson R, and Hollman D. Allergy to Solonopis Aurea, An Uncommon Native Fire Ant. JACI, 1992;89:293. Presented to the Academy of Allergy and Immunology, Mar 1992, Orlando, FL.
Konig P, Eigen H, Ellis M, Ellis E, Geller D, Scott C, Shapiro G, and Welch M. Nedocromil Sodium Prevents Increased Asthma Symptoms In Children Whose Asthma Is Exacerbated During the Viral Season. JACI, 1992;89:235. Presented to the Academy of Allergy and Immunology, Mar, 1992, Orlando, FL
Hoffman D, and Ellis M. Allergy to Chicken Meat JACI, 1991;87:192. Presented to the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology, Mar. 1991, San Francisco, CA.
Haydik I, Ellis M, Novey H, Cummins L, Gillman S, Houshiar A, and Wilson A. Basophil Histamine (BHR) Correlates Well with Alternaria Bronchial Challenge in Asthmatics, JACI, 1989;83:185. Presented to the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology, Feb. 1989, San Antonio, TX.
Ellis M, Novey H, Gillman S, Cummins L, and Wilson A. Evaluation of Alternaria Sensitive Asthmatics, JACI, 1988;80. Presented to the American College of Allergy and Immunology, Nov. 1988, Los Angeles, CA.
Ellis M, Haydik I, Gillman S, Cummins L, and Cairo M. Immediate Adverse Reaction to Acetaminophen. Oral Presentation, American Academy of Allergy and Immunology, March 1988, Anaheim, CA.
Galant S, Posner L, Lee N, Hicks D, Wilderson B, and Ellis M. Immediate Hypersensitivity to Semisynthetic Penicillins in Cystic Fibrosis; Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 1987; 77:199. Presented in Washington DC, March 1987.
Ellis M, Vayuvegula B, and Gupta S. Regulation of Macrophage Functions By Surfactant: Annal of Allergy, 1986; Vol. 57. Presented in Las Vegas, January 1987
Ellis M, Dumars K, Gillman S, VandeVen C, Heiner D and Cairo M. Familial IgG4 Sub Class Deficiency With Normal IgA Associated and Recurrent Infection with Decreased Neutrophil Chemotaxis and Bacterial Killing; Society of Pediatric Research, 1987.
Cairo M, Vandeven C, Gupta S, and Ellis M. Abnormal Polymorphonuclear Function Including Bacterial Killing, C. Albicans, Phagocytosis, Chemotaxis and PMN Mo-1 Expression in ARC and AIDS: International Society of Preventative Oncology. Presented in Nice, France, April 1987.
Ellis M, Gupta S, Vandeven C, Wong C, Litke T, and Cairo M. Heat Liable Serum Inhibitor of Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte (PMN) Chemotaxis and Bacterial Killing in Pre-Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (pre-AIDS) and AIDS; Journal Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 1986; 77:127. Presented in New Orleans, March 1986.
Chen W, Ellis M, Vayuvegula B, Purtillo D, Galant S, Cair M, and Gupta S. In Vitro Inhibition of Immunoglobulin Secretion by Adherent Monocytes in a Patient with X-Linked Lymphoproliferative (XLP) Syndrome and Hypogammaglobulinemia: American Federation of Clinical Research, 1986.
- Acute, chronic and severe asthma
- Allergic rhinitis
- Allergic conjunctivitis
- Acute and chronic sinusitis
- Complicated eczema and atopic dermatitis
- Acute and chronic urticaria
- Drug and food allergies
- Stinging insect allergies
- Cellular immune deficiencies
- Antibody immune deficiencies
Health Topics

Food allergies usually appear in the first two years of life and that these reactions typically occur immediately or within two hours of eating the food.
Batavia Woods
725 W. La Veta Ave.
Suite 100
Orange, CA 92868
1201 W. La Veta Ave.
Orange, CA 92868
1100 W Stewart Dr
Orange, CA 92868