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Pediatric Microsurgery

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At CHOC, we understand that malformation can result from a congenital, traumatic, or oncologic condition and that such injury can pose lasting emotional effects on children. From limb salvage to facial reanimation, we offer the very latest in advanced microsurgery techniques to help a child look, eat, speak and function like others. Our plastic surgeons are trained in state-of-the-art pediatric microsurgery, so you can be sure your child is receiving the best care possible.

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Microsurgery Services

What is Microsurgery?

Pediatric microsurgery requires special surgical training and equipment as well as dedicated nursing and specialized intensive care. Our plastic surgeons are able to transfer tissue from one part of the body to another to restore form and function, using a microscope to connect blood vessels from the transferred tissues to tiny blood vessels in the injured or deformed areas.

Reconstructive Surgery

Through reconstructive surgery, limbs can be salvaged instead of amputated in kids with cancer, trauma, infection or congenital problems. Our team transfers tissue from one part of the body to another, like from the fibula to the arm, to reconstruct body parts and functions. Then, the transferred tissues can be bone, muscle, vessels and/or nerves – whatever needed to help the patient become whole.

CHOC is one of a small number of hospitals to offer pediatric reconstructive surgery.

Facial Reanimation Surgery

Facial paralysis, caused by a congenital condition, trauma or cancer, can affect several aspects of child’s life: speaking, feeding, breathing, seeing, smiling, and other means of social communication.

In facial reanimation surgery, our team transfers muscle and nerve from one part of the body to the face in order to restore symmetry and dynamic movement. Afterwards, children have improved facial form and ability to eat, speak clearly and even smile.



Reconstructive Surgery After Cancer

Dr. Raj Vyas explains how cancer treatment can cause a physical defect that requires reconstructive surgery to repair.

Why Choose CHOC for Microsurgery?

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Our multidisciplinary program offers families individualized physical and occupational therapy programs.

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CHOC has microsurgery trained plastic surgeons to help your child look healthy and happy.

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We treat all children with pediatric expertise– even the smallest patients. This includes pediatric anesthesiologists, intensive care physicians, and nurses with specialized training and experience.

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CHOC is one of few hospitals in Southern California to offer pediatric reconstructive surgery.

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We use the very latest and advanced techniques in plastic surgery services.

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Our coordinated multidisciplinary team allows for routine follow-up visits and to monitor your child’s recovery and ensure they meet functional milestones as they grow.