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Infectious Disease

We understand serious infections can pose serious risks to children and can spread quickly in communities. While infection can spread rapidly in a small child, the involvement of a pediatric infectious disease specialist can make all the difference. CHOC infectious disease specialists are highly experienced, board-certified pediatric subspecialists who understand the changing nature of infectious disease and children.
smiling patient with doctor at hospital

Telehealth appointments are available.
Please call our Patient Access Center at 888-770-2462 to make an appointment,
or learn more about telehealth here.

Conditions We Treat

Our specialists provide the early diagnosis and intervention necessary to prevent the further spread of serious, life-threatening infections.

Early Intervention For Life-Threatening Conditions

The CHOC infectious disease physician team is available 24-hours-a-day to provide expert diagnosis and treatment for acute or life-threatening conditions, such as:

  • Infectious diseases (including multi-resistant bacteria)
  • Congenital and perinatal infections, including HIV
  • Opportunistic infections in the immunocompromised patient
  • Respiratory, viral and fungal infections
  • Immunocompromised host
  • Community outbreaks

Outpatient Management for Chronic Conditions

Many conditions may be safely managed through home IVs and oral regimens. For the benefit of patients and their families, every effort is made to transition care to the home environment as quickly – and as safely – as possible. The CHOC infectious disease physician team provides comprehensive outpatient care for:

  • HIV – an accredited program serving the greater Orange County area
  • Recurrent/periodic fever or fever of unknown origin
  • Tuberculosis and other chronic infections
  • Coccidiomycosis and other endemic fungal infections
  • Travel medicine for children
  • Infections in primary immune deficiencies
  • Viral hepatitis

CHOC Pediatric Infectious Disease Physicians Earn Global Distinction for Excellence

Drs. Arrieta and Singh get vaccinated.

The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (PIDS), the world’s largest organization dedicated to the treatment, control and eradication of infectious diseases affecting children, has honored two CHOC physicians, Dr. Antonio Arrieta and Dr. Jasjit Singh, with the designation of PIDS fellows.  Only 12 clinicians from around the world received this distinction.

The designation recognizes clinicians who have achieved professional excellence and provided significant service to the profession.

Health Features

happy young baby carried by mom
Pneumonia, an inflammation or infection of the lungs, is a serious condition that can be prevented.

young girl gets vaccinated by doctor
Going to the pediatrician and receiving shots can cause anxiety in kids. Learn what steps you can make to make shots less stressful.

Young boy sick in bed and gets temperature checked
It’s possible for your child to be on the winning team this flu season. What's the secret to fighting the flu? Prevention.

Infectious Disease Locations

Exterior view of CHOC Orange Clinic
CHOC Clinic – Specialty Care

Building: CHOC Clinic | 1201 W. La Veta Ave. | Orange, CA 92868 | Appointments: 888-770-2462