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Rules and Bylaws


These rules and regulations when duly approved by the Medical Staff and adopted by the Board of Directors, shall govern the conduct of Medical Staff members and others providing patient care services at the Hospital in matters addressed by these rules and regulations. A failure to abide by the terms of these rules and regulations on the part of a staff member or any other person providing patient care services at the Hospital shall constitute grounds for corrective or disciplinary action in accordance with the provisions of the Medical Staff Bylaws, including but not limited to, limitation or suspension of privileges, or revocation of membership on the Medical Staff, or other appropriate action.

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These Medical Staff Bylaws are adopted in order to provide for the organization of the Medical Staff of CHOC Hospital in Orange County and to provide a framework for self-government in order to permit the Medical Staff to discharge its responsibilities in matters involving the quality of medical care, and to govern the orderly resolution of those purposes. These Bylaws provide the professional and legal structure for Medical Staff operations, organized Medical Staff relations with the Board of Directors, and relations with applicants to and members of the Medical Staff.

Download pdf of Bylaws