Free 24/7 Nurse Advice Line: 844-GET-CHOC.
As CHOC and other healthcare facilities adapt to the fluid environment created by the COVID-19 pandemic, and national, state and local recommendations and guidelines continue to change, we want you to know that we are open and have the following resources to help provide the safest care:
- Telehealth appointments are available. Learn more about this service and visit our telehealth resources for providers.
- Visit our NEW online referral portal and learn more about our easy referral process.
- Our free nurse line, 1-844-GET-CHOC, is available for parents who have questions about their child’s health.
- If your patients’ families have recently lost or do not have medical insurance, they can call the CHOC Family Financial Resource Center at 714-509-8600.
Featured Articles
Team of more than 20 epileptologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons and others are committed to improving outcomes for people with epilepsy.
Bone tumors are a common pediatric cancer. Learn how CHOC’s advanced limb-sparing techniques improve outcomes to give children active lives.
An investigational medication device yields dramatic firsts in a CHOC clinical trial for a patient with a motor neuron disorder.
Dr. Anderson specializes in identifying ways to improve the outcomes of ill neonates and implementing interventions to optimize brain growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes.
A paper by CHOC clinicians concludes the device is a “safe and effective noninvasive option” for infants in certain circumstances.
CHOC is one of five Batten Disease Centers of Excellence across the country and the only one on the West Coast.