Each fellow will receive research education and training, and will conduct a scholarly project with supervision provided by an assigned faculty mentor. Fellows will have a minimum of eight months of protected time for scholarly activity that is divided over the two-year program. Fellows will select a Scholarly Oversight Committee to oversee their scholarly project design and progress, and are expected to produce a scholarly work product as outlined by the American Board of Pediatrics by the completion of their fellowship program.
The Fellows Core Curriculum will provide training in biostatistics, research methodology and study design, research ethics, evidence-based medicine, grant preparation, critical literature review, manuscript writing, and quality improvement. Fellows also will complete a four-month intensive quality improvement certification course (CHOC Performance Excellence Program) during their first year of fellowship, and have the opportunity to enroll in courses offered through the University of California, Irvine.
Conferences and Teaching
Fellows receive myriad educational opportunities through didactics, conferences, committee membership and experiential learning, including:
- Hospital medicine core teaching conferences –Biweekly, and the fellow is expected to lead
- Fellows core curriculum – Monthly
- Hospitalist research and quality improvement committee – Monthly, and the fellow is expected to lead twice per year
- Medical & neurology morbidity and mortality – Monthly, and the fellow is expected to lead twice per year
- Hospitalist research and quality improvement group – Monthly
- Additional hospital-wide committee membership (e.g. Infection Prevention Committee, Evidence Based Medicine Committee, Medicine-Nutrition Safety Committee, etc).
- Fellows are encouraged to attend at least one national or regional conference per year (eg. PAS, PHM, AAP, APPD etc).
- Fellows are expected to present their research at CHOC Research Day and at national and regional conferences.
✓ Four weeks paid vacation per year
✓ Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance for fellows and eligible dependents (institution paid)
✓ Long Term Disability and Life Insurance
✓ DEA Licensure fee exemption
✓ Professional license renewal reimbursement
✓ Board examination fee reimbursement
✓ Annual education/CME stipend
✓ Annual book fund stipend
✓ Housing allowance
✓ BLS/PALS renewal reimbursement
Clinical Faculty
Learn more about our PHM division, current research and QI projects, and faculty here.