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Dr. Paul Braun, Oral Surgery

Dr. Paul Braun, Oral Surgery

  • Paul Braun DDS
  • Appointments:
  • Specialty: Oral Surgery
  • Board Certified: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Dr. Braun is board certified in oral and maxillofacial who treats kids and teens in Orange County.

Paul Braun DDS is on staff at CHOC Hospital in Orange .

Private Practice

2401 West Chapman Ave, Suite 101
Orange, CA 92868
phone: 714-939-7505
fax: 714-939-6552


  • Dental School
    Marquette University School of Dentistry, Milwaukee, WI
  • Oral Surgery Internship
    VA Hospital, Wood, Wisconsin
  • Oral Surgery Residency
    VA Hospital, Long Beach, CA