Dr. Michele B. Domico, Pediatric Critical Care

- Michele B Domico MD
- Office: 714-509-8620
- Specialty: Critical Care
- Board Certified: Pediatrics, Critical Care Medicine
- Additional Languages: Spanish
Dedicated to her field, Dr. Michele Domico provides the full range of critical care procedures, with expertise in pediatric cardiac intensive care. She has published several clinical research articles, including studies on extracorporeal life support and research related to cardiac intensive care. She has spearheaded multiple quality improvement projects in the cardiovascular intensive care unit (CVICU) at CHOC to ensure improved patient safety and outcomes. She also serves as a reviewer for Pediatric Critical Care Medicine journal.
Dr. Domico is board certified in both pediatrics and pediatric critical care medicine. Dr. Domico worked in London at the world-renowned Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children as a senior fellow in pediatric cardiac intensive care/ECMO. She completed her pediatric critical care fellowship at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and CHOC Hospital in Orange. She received additional fellowship training in pediatric cardiology at the University of Florida Health Science Center. Dr. Domico attended medical school and completed her internship and residency at University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio.
Extracorporeal life support, cardiac intensive care
Michele B Domico MD is on staff at CHOC Hospital in Orange and CHOC Mission Hospital.
CHOC Hospital
1201 W. La Veta Ave.
Orange, CA 92868
CHOC at Mission Hospital
27700 Medical Center Rd
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital
1 Hoag Dr
Newport Beach, CA 92663
More About Dr. Domico
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
Assistant Clinical Professor, Pediatrics
University of California, Irvine Medical Center
University of Texas Health Science Center
University of Texas Health Science Center
University of Florida Health Science Center
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center/Children’s Hospital of Orange County
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children
Orange County Medical Association
2014 Physician of Excellence
Orange County Medical Association
Society of Critical Care Medicine
American Academy of Pediatrics
Principal investigator: Predictors of Outcome for Pertussis patients on ECMO
Domico M, Hunt J, Anas N. Parenteral hypotonic saline prescribing frequency in a tertiary care children’s hospital. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2014; 15: 4(s) 201
Domico, M, BNP predicting outcome after congenital heart surgery: Are we there yet? Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2013; 14: 550-551
Domico M, Brown K: Time to Initiating Extracorporeal Life Support May Be Lengthening From Duration on Mechanical Ventilation, But Interhospital Transport May Still Need to Occur Early. Ped Crit Care Med 2013; 14:113-114
Domico M, Ridout D, Bronicki R, Anas N, Cleary J, Cappon J, Goldman A, Brown K: The impact of mechanical ventilation time prior to the initiation of ECLS on survival in pediatric respiratory failure: A review of the ELSO Registry. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2012; 13:16-21
Domico, M, Checchia P: Biomonitors of cardiac injury and performance: B-type natriuretic peptide and troponin as monitors of hemodynamics and oxygen transport balance. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2011; 12: 33-42 (suppl)
Bronicki R, Herrera M, Mink R, Domico M, Tucker D, Chang A, Anas N: Hemodynamics and Cerebral Oxygenation following repair of Tetralogy of Fallot: The Effects of Converting from Positive Pressure Ventilation to Spontaneous Breathing. Congenital Heart Disease 2010; 5:416-421
26th Annual ELSO Conference Atlanta, Georgia
“Ductal dependent circulation and Qp/Qs”
NeoHeart 2015 Huntington Beach, California
“Biomarkers: What do they tell us that we don’t already know?”
Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society Meeting Miami, Florida
“Challenging Cardiac ICU cases”
Pediatric Critical Care Colloquium Huntington Beach, California
“How to approach the most controversial ECMO patients”
CHOC ECMO Conference Orange, California
“What biomarkers can help us in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit”
Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society Meeting Miami, Florida