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Contractor and Vendor Information

A “How to” Guide: Doing business with CHOC Hospital

At CHOC, our mission is straight forward: To nurture, advance and protect the health and well-being of children. Our goal is to continuously support the five pillars that are the hallmark of our commitment to caring: People, Excellence, Growth, Financial Stewardship, Infrastructure. Because we value these attributes, we seek to develop strategic business relationships with companies that hold similar values and produce results.

CHOC has implemented a vendor program that includes a series of strict policies aimed at better managing the rising complexity of regulatory compliance issues. The policies were developed with patient safety in mind and will enforce protocols for a more professional and consistent relationship with vendors.

All active vendors must register in order to begin or continue to do business with CHOC. There is a nominal annual fee for vendor registration which is per company registration, not per representative. The fee ranges from $25 to $250 per year and the actual fee is determined by the hospital based on the vendor’s risk profile. We expect all vendors who interact with us to register and provide his/her representative details. Only the first representative to register will be charged the fee. Please click links below to learn more about our vendor credentialing program.

If you have business questions please contact the Materials Management Department. If you require technical assistance in completing the registration, go to and select the Support Center link at the bottom of the page.

The Materials Management Department:

The CHOC Purchasing Department is housed within the Materials Management Department.

Contact Information:
Materials Management Department, 1201 West La Veta, Orange, CA 92868

Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (714) 509-8575 Fax: (714) 509-8395

The Purchasing Process:

The purchasing process starts with a need identified internally to the procurement staff. Purchasing conducts competitive bidding to obtain the best pricing and value for the Hospital.

Purchasing requires written bids/quotes to be submitted vendors (on letterhead, fax or via e-mail). Written quotes decrease the probability for misunderstandings and benefits all parties involved. Most acceptable quotes include:

  • A description of the scope of work to be performed (or products to be sold) and other applicable specifications.
  • Pricing and delivery schedule/time-frame
  • Payment terms
  • Some work will also require a Certificate of Insurance

Should a bid/quote be accepted, a CHOC Purchase Order will be generated by the Purchasing Department. Do not begin work without the issuance of a Purchase Order.

CHOC General Purchase Order Terms and Conditions:

CHOC provides “General Purchase Order Terms and Conditions,” which apply in their entirety to all of our Purchase Orders.

Please review CHOC Purchase Order Terms and Conditions and print a copy for your records as deemed necessary.

If there are any questions concerning the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions, please call the CHOC Purchasing Contact at the phone number listed on the Request for Quote/Bid or Purchase Order.

Delivering Goods

All shipments to CHOC must be made to the locations designated on the purchase order. A CHOC purchase order number must appear on all shipping documents, including shipping labels.

Partial Deliveries

A delivery normally must be made in the exact quantity called for in the purchase order. Partial deliveries, however, may be required and accepted in some instances. The Purchasing Department will communicate this, if applicable to the order.

Deliveries and Delivery Dates

The time required for delivery may be one of the most important considerations in determining who shall be awarded any bid. Vendors are expected to deliver materials and/or services within the specified time. Failure to meet specified delivery schedules may result in the cancellation of the order or may jeopardize future awards. All goods received that do not meet specifications will not be accepted. Vendors will arrange to have the unacceptable goods picked up at no cost to CHOC.

Getting Paid After Delivering on an Order

In order to receive payment, all vendors must submit to Accounts Payable an invoice for services rendered or goods delivered. Invoices should not be sent to the Requestor or Purchasing Department. To do so will delay payment.

Invoices must show:

  • CHOC purchase order number
  • Complete description of the goods or services furnished matching the Purchase Order
  • Quantity shipped and date
  • Unit prices and extensions
  • The terms of payment
  • Vendor’s invoice number and date

The Accounts Payable address is:
Attn: Accounts Payable
1201 W. La Veta Ave.
Orange, CA 92868