Kids and Electronic Health Records


An electronic health record (EHR) is a computerized collection of a patient’s health records. It includes information such as age, health history, medications, allergies, immunization status, lab test results, hospital discharge instructions and billing information. These digital records can be shared easily among a patient’s health care providers, so if one doctor orders a test, for example, all the patient’s doctors can see the results. “It has all the data that we generate around a patient’s care,” says Dr. Feaster, chief medical information officer for CHOC. “The goal is that when you come for care, all the information needed is in a computer rather than a paper chart stored somewhere.”


“The greatest benefit now is improving the quality and safety of patient care,” says Dr. Feaster. “Through the use of electronic orders and standardized order sets, we can implement what we all agree is the best way to care for a certain disease or patient. The EHR also facilitates bar coding of medications, blood, breast milk and lab tests. This ensures that the correct drug or product is given to the correct patient, thus reducing or eliminating medical errors.”


Only health care providers have had electronic access in the past. Coming soon to CHOC is a new patient portal that will allow parents to access their child’s information by computer, tablet or smartphone. “Parents will be able to request medication renewals, make appointments and perhaps other functions. They will be able to direct their medical information to other providers if they change specialists, for example. We plan to have this live by late spring or early summer and we will help parents sign up. More details will be forthcoming,” says Dr. Feaster.


  • CHOC’s ranking among hospitals nationwide for EHR use to improve health care*: TOP 11%
    *According to the Health Information and Management Systems Society
  • CHOC’S anticipated ranking by the end of 2014 after achieving HIMSS’ Top Level of EHR Adoption: TOP 2%
  • Percent of office-based physicians nationwide using some kind of EHR system in 2012: 72%

Meet Dr. Feaster - CHOC Physician

Dr. William Feaster completed his residency in pediatrics and anesthesiology, as well as fellowship training in neonatal-perinatal medicine, at the University of California, San Diego. He completed additional fellowship training in pediatric anesthesia and critical care at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Feaster has spent much of his career focused on information technology, helping to implement clinical and administrative systems at several health care institutions. Dr. Feaster came to CHOC in 2012 and has helped CHOC move forward with many new IT initiatives and systems that are improving care and increasing access to information.

Dr. Feaster’s philosophy of care: “Medical information is important to providing high quality,accurate, timely and safe care. My job is to help CHOC keep up with all the advances.”

M.D., University of Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester, New York

Pediatric Anesthesiology

Dr. William Feaster

Advancing Information Technology in Health Care

Electronic health records (EHR) document a patient’s medical history, but its data and the technology behind it provide a multitude of future possibilities.

CHOC began moving to the EHR in 2002, and more technological developments will be forthcoming at a rapid pace in the next few years, says Dr. William Feaster.

Medical staff looking at computer screens

CHOC – Inside the High Tech Hospital

In this segment from the KTLA Tech Report which first aired on May 1, 2013, KTLA reporter Rich DeMuro talks about the newly connected Bill Holmes Tower at CHOC and what that technology means to patients and their families. For more information, go to

CHOC Operating Rooms Integrate Tech for Better Outcomes

In the operating room of CHOC’s new Bill Holmes Tower, technology helps equipment work together to ensure the best outcomes for young patients.

Using the technology integration system iSuite by Stryker, CHOC is the first children’s hospital in the region to have a fully integrated operating room.

iSuite by Stryker

Knowledge is the best medicine. Learn more about your child's health in these features from the experts at CHOC.

Kids and the Immune System
Our immune system is a series of cells, tissues and organs that protects us from invading pathogens and keeps us healthy and able to resist infections.

Kids and Ear Infections
An ear infection is an acute inflammation of the middle ear caused by fluid and bacteria behind the eardrum. These ear infections cause a great deal of pain.

Kids and Healthy Hearts
People who don't have heart problems as kids may develop them as adults. One risk factor is obesity. Physical activity is an easy way to get healthy hearts.

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