“If it’s on paper, it’s probably old news. Electronics allows us to be up-to-date, moment-to-moment. In these rapidly changing times, we need to keep as up-to-date as possible with our medical information,” says Dr. Kenneth Grant, a medical informatics specialist at CHOC Children’s. This includes being able to provide CHOC patients and families with the most useful, up to date and reputable medical information available.
An electronic health record is a computerized collection of a patient’s health records. It includes information like age, health history, medications, allergies, immunization status, lab test results, hospital discharge instructions and billing information. These digital records can be shared among a patient’s health care providers using proper security measures and permissions, so if one doctor orders a test, for example, all the patient’s doctors can see the results. “It’s the digital age and this is the way of the future. It’s the only way you can share this information securely,” says Dr. Grant.
“It’s critical for every member of the health care team to have access to all of the patient’s information, no matter who takes care of the patient and at what location,” says Dr. Grant. “Each provider and organization is attempting to move to electronic forms of record keeping to facilitate this process. Our challenge is to make them talk the same language and share while maintaining the privacy our patients expect.”