COPE (Community Outreach Parent Empowerment) Apr. 2020

Girl looking out over a field and holding flag

In accordance with state recommendations on preventing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and as part of our ongoing commitment to protect the health and well-being of the community, we have cancelled this event. We hope to reschedule canceled events in the near future, provided it is safe to do so. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions, please email

Please click here for more information on the coronavirus (COVID-19).

COPE (Community Outreach Parent Empowerment) is an innovative collaboration between CHOC Neuroscience Institute nurses and expert family advocates with the goal of sharing experiences and providing the community with tools to guide families through an epilepsy diagnosis. COPE holds monthly nurse- and parent-led meetings offered to both inpatient and outpatient families. Meetings will explore topics such as seizure first aide, diastat administration and the navigation of clinic and inpatient hospital admissions. Community Partners and epilepsy experts will often attend meetings and share about their resources and specialties. Meetings also feature parent champions, including Q&A sessions with parent panels, tips for managing ACTH injections at home and discussions about epilepsy surgery from a parent perspective.

Thursday, April 30th
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
CHOC South Tower Conference Room A
(Behind the Starbucks on the Second Floor Lobby)

Map and Directions

South Tower Conference Room A