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CHOC Mental Health Education Program | General Community Webinar | Early Childhood – Supporting Spirited Sprouts: Strategies to Help Calm the Desire to Be Right

CHOC Mental Health Education Program

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Parenting strong-willed children can seem like an uphill battle. This presentation will help parents better understand why children push back and want to be in charge. A CHOC psychologist will discuss strategies to help parents and caregivers keep their cool while taking a positive approach to parenting.

Date: Thursday, March 3, 2022

Time:  5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Location: Zoom

Target Audience: Parents/General Community

Presenter: Amy Morse, PsyD

Languages Available: English

Topic Age Range: 0-5 Years Old


  • Review data related to the prevalence of strong-willed children
  • Identify factors that can contribute to oppositional behavior in young children
  • Explore evidence-based strategies to help decrease challenging behavior in the home


Launched in July 2017, CHOC’s Mental Health Education Program (MHEP) and our team of pediatric mental health specialists have provided hundreds of educational sessions to thousands of community members, including youth, parents, educators, and providers. Through our presentations and trainings, we strive to partner with and equip our community stakeholders with the needed knowledge, tools, and resources to support the wellness of our County’s children, adolescents, and young adults. If you have any questions about our educational offerings, please contact our MHEP team at