
Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (PICU)
Este breve vídeo describirá lo que puede esperar durante la estadía de su hija en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos de CHOC Hospital.

Unidad de cuidados intensivos cardiovasculares
Este breve video describirá lo que puede esperar durante la estadía de su hijo o hija en la unidad de cuidados intensivos cardiovasculares de CHOC Hospital.

Servicios y espacio al aire libre
Este breve video describirá algunos servicios disponibles para los pacientes y sus familias en el segundo piso de CHOC Hospital.

Unidad Hematología/Oncológica
Este breve vídeo describirá lo que puede esperar durante la estadía de su hija en la unidad hematología y oncológica de CHOC.

Su cita en la clínica de atención primaria y especializada
Este breve video describirá lo que puede esperar cuando visite las clínicas de atención primaria y especializada de CHOC.

Recibir cuidados en el Departamento de Emergencias Julia and George Argyros en CHOC Hospital
Este corto video describirá lo que puede esperar mientras recibe cuidados en el Departamento de Emergencias Julia and George Argyros en CHOC Hospital.

Este breve video describe qué cosas se deben tener en cuenta para visitar a pacientes en el CHOC Hospital.

Realización de un monitoreo con videoencefalografía (EEG) continua
Este breve video describe qué esperar mientras su hija se somete a un monitoreo con videoencefalografía (EEG) continua en el CHOC Hospital.

La estancia de su bebé en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales de CHOC Hospital
Este breve video describirá lo que puede esperar durante la estancia de su bebé en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales de CHOC Hospital.

Cirugía o procedimiento
Este breve video describirá lo que puede esperar cuando se instale con su bebé en la Unidad de Recién Nacidos de CHOC Hospital.

Having long-term video EEG monitoring at CHOC
This video will describe what to expect while your child is undergoing long-term video E-E-G monitoring at CHOC Hospital.

Your stay in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) at CHOC at Mission Hospital
This video will describe what you can expect during your child’s stay in the pediatric intensive care unit or PICU (pick-you) at CHOC at Mission Hospital.

Your visit to the emergency department at CHOC at Mission Hospital
This video will describe what you can expect at the emergency department at CHOC at Mission Hospital.

Your stay in the pediatric unit at CHOC at Mission Hospital
This video will describe what you can expect during your child’s stay in the pediatric medical/surgical unit at CHOC at Mission Hospital.

Your stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at CHOC at Mission Hospital
This video will describe what you can expect during your baby’s stay in in the neonatal intensive care unit or NICU (nick-you) at CHOC at Mission Hospital.

Your visit to the outpatient lab
This video will describe what you can expect during your child’s visit for bloodwork at the outpatient laboratory at CHOC Hospital.

Your visit to the outpatient infusion center
This video will describe what you and your child will experience during visits to the Outpatient Infusion Center at CHOC Hospital.

Your stay in the Mental Health Inpatient Center
This video will describe what a patient in the Mental Health Inpatient Center at CHOC Hospital can expect upon admission.

Your sleep study at CHOC Hospital
This video will describe what you can expect during your sleep study, and how you can prepare so you have the best experience possible.

Your visit to radiology
This video will describe what you can expect during your child’s visit to the radiology department at CHOC Hospital.

Your stay on the medical, surgical and multispecialty units at CHOC Hospital
This video will describe what you can expect during an inpatient stay at CHOC Hospital.

Your stay in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) at CHOC Hospital
This video will describe what you can expect during your child’s stay in the pediatric intensive care unit or PICU (pick-you) at CHOC Hospital.

Your stay in the cardiovascular intensive care unit
This video will describe what you can expect during your child’s stay in the cardiovascular intensive care unit or CVICU at CHOC Hospital.

Second-floor amenities at CHOC Hospital
This video will describe some amenities available to patients and their families on the second floor of the Bill Holmes Tower at CHOC Hospital.