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East Meets West: Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Increase Milk Supply & Quality of Life in NICU Mothers

Traditional Chinese Medicine to Increase Milk Supply in NICU Mothers

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Join us for our RDs In Practice: Advancing Practice in Pediatric Nutrition Webinar Series

East Meets West: Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Increase Milk Supply & Quality of Life in NICU Mothers

Date: Thursday, April 13, 2023

Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)

Location: Zoom

Speakers: Cindy Baker-Fox, RN, IBCLC & Michelle Hart, RN, IBCLC

Following the presentation, the learner will be able to:

  • Verbalize the importance of breastmilk use in the NICU and the inherit lactation challenges that mothers of NICU babies experience.
  • Identify the required steps in clinician guided research development and execution.
  • Discuss the value of Traditional Chinese Medicine as a modality of treatment to augment lactation standard of care practices.


Cindy Baker-Fox, RN, IBCLC
Lactation Consultant @CHOC Children’s Hospital
Cindy Baker-Fox is a Neonatal ICU RN and an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) at CHOC Children’s Hospital, where she started her career in 1982 after graduating with her BSN from Biola University. Cindy primarily serves maternal-infant dyads in the NICU and discharge Bridge Clinic. She is actively involved in research and QI initiatives serving as a Scientific Board Member of CHOC’s IRB Industry Tract, Magnet Committee Champion, and as a PI for CHOC’s first nurse-led lactation research study: East Meets West. Cindy has previously spoken at the California Breastfeeding Coalition Conference in 2016 and has participated in multiple CHOC outreach and education webinars, classes, and workshops promoting lactation knowledge and skills for bedside nursing staff and physicians. She also taught at UCSD as an adjunct staff member for the Lactation Educator Counselor program. In her off time, Cindy has participated in medical missions in China, Armenia, and Vietnam.

Michelle Hart, RN, IBCLC
Lactation Consultant @CHOC Children’s Hospital
Michelle L. Hart is a Registered Nurse and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant at CHOC Hospital in Orange, CA. She practiced as a bedside RN in the NICU, as core staff in both the Small Baby Unit and the CHOC NICU at St. Joe’s from 2005 to 2019. Obtaining her IBCLC in 2018, she joined the Clinical Nutrition & Lactation Services team in summer of 2019. As an IBCLC, Michelle dedicates her time supporting the needs of babies and families in the NICU, with a focus on surgical patients. Michelle also provides Lactation Education to new nurses joining the CHOC organization. She participated as a co-investigator in the One Wish Grant funded, East Meets West lactation research study and attended the 2022 ANCC Magnet Conference to present the research findings in a poster presentation. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, cooking, travelling, and spending time with her husband, two kids, one dog and six chickens.