Facts About Epilepsy: Symptoms and Treatments

  • Very few children who have a seizure will develop severe epilepsy; less than half of them will have a second seizure.
  • If a child has two or more seizures, they are considered to have epilepsy.
  • With planning and treatment, most children with epilepsy can lead an active, normal lifestyle.
  • There are many different types of seizures and not all of them include shaking. With some seizures, a child may experience a strange feeling or changes in smell, vision or hearing. With other types, a child may be awake but staring absently. Certain kinds of seizures may go unnoticed or may be mistaken for something else.
  • The goal of epilepsy treatment is to completely control the seizures using the smallest amount of medicine possible, allowing a child to grow and develop normally.
  • If medications do not control a child’s seizures, epilepsy surgery should be considered. In many cases, allowing seizures to continue uncontrolled is much riskier than having surgery.
  • While brain surgery seems scary, it is important to know that children are very resilient. The plasticity of a young brain allows it to adapt to changes and heal more easily than an adult brain.
  • Alternative treatments for epilepsy are effective for some children. These include implantation of a vagus nerve stimulator (similar to a Pacemaker) and the ketogenic diet.
  • For some children, epilepsy disappears with age.


Has your child had seizures?

Find an epilepsy specialist at CHOC today.

Want to know more about epilepsy?

Learn about the CHOC Children’s Comprehensive Epilepsy Program now.