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CHOC Mental Health Education Program | Is my Teen OK? How to Identify Anxiety and Depression in our Adolescents

CHOC Mental Health Education Program

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A CHOC Child and Adolescent Mental Health expert will focus on teaching parents, teachers, and school staff how to identify common symptoms exhibited by pre-teens and teens who are struggling with depression and anxiety. The workshop will also focus on providing tips for how parents, teachers, and school staff can help teens and pre-teens manage and reduce anxious distress and depressive symptoms. The presentation will conclude with information on how parents, teachers, and school staff should intervene in high-risk situations (i.e., when a teen is expressing suicidal ideation or engaging in self-harm).

Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Time: 5:00pm to 6:00pm (PST)

Location: Zoom

Target Audience: Parents/General Community + School Staff

Languages Available: English

Topic Age Range: Middle School (Ages 11-13 YO) | High School (Ages 13-18 YO)

Launched in July 2017, CHOC’s Mental Health Education Program (MHEP) and our team of pediatric mental health specialists have provided hundreds of educational sessions to thousands of community members, including youth, parents, educators, and providers. Through our presentations and trainings, we strive to partner with and equip our community stakeholders with the needed knowledge, tools, and resources to support the wellness of our County’s children, adolescents, and young adults. If you have any questions about our educational offerings, please contact our MHEP team at