
Compassion, Skill and Advocacy: Caring for the Smallest of Patients
Caring for the smallest of patients in a hospital takes specialized training and a unique skillset. In this Q & A, a NICU nurse tells more.

Bringing Bedside Experience to the Hospital C-Suite
Physicians wishing to participate in strategic planning must learn to work with hospital executives. Open communications is key.

Preserving Food Purposefully
Addressing childhood hunger, reducing waste and sustaining resources motivated CHOC to explore a partnership with a local food bank.

Three Questions to Ask When Evaluating Potential Partnerships
The right strategic alliance results in a team that’s greater than the sum of its parts. Conversely, a mismatch can be a disaster for both parties.

Taking Cues from a Children’s Hospital to Improve Customer Experience
The level of care and attention provided at CHOC an transcend pediatric health care and would serve well any business – and their customers.

Leadership Choices Help Build Trust
We all know the value of brand trust. Loyalty, respect and trust come if we regularly meet – or exceed – our customers’ expectations.
Dr. Gordon McLorie Lectureship Fund
Gordon McLorie helped shape pediatric urology in North America and the world. With a career spanning four decades, he amassed a tremendous body of knowledge and achievements in the field of urology and was internationally recognized for his refined surgical skills, particularly in reconstructive surgery, pediatric urological oncology and renal transplantation.

Seacrest Studios has Brightened the Lives of Babies and Teens, Alike.
Broadcast via closed-circuit TVs to patient rooms, Seacrest Studios, since opening in March 2013, has brightened the lives of babies and teens, alike.

Hyundai Hope on Wheels has Raised Millions of Dollars Since 1998
Hyundai Hope on Wheels has raised millions of dollars since 1998 in the fight to end childhood cancer. Hyundai’s executives sit on the CHOC Foundation board.

CHOC Children’s Partnership with the Disneyland Resort has Been Magical from the Start
From Walt Disney’s early fundraising efforts to the resort’s $5 million gift toward construction of the new Bill Holmes Tower, CHOC and Disney have enjoyed a meaningful partnership.