Facts About Hernias in Kids: Symptoms and Treatments
A hernia is a bulge of tissue that protrudes through the muscle.
Pediatric Cancer Research and Clinical Trials: How Treating Cancer is Changing
A clinical trial is a research study that aims to determine the most effective treatment for a particular disease.

Beads of Courage
The talisman decorating Ezra’s IV pole is comprised of Beads of Courage. Through this unique program, each bead commemorates a procedure or event that a patient has experienced during treatment.

Dr. Elyssa Rubin
A pediatric oncologist, Dr. Elyssa Rubin has cared for children with cancer at CHOC for almost a dozen years.

Facts About Concussion: Symptoms and Treatments
The signs of a concussion range from the obvious to the not-so-obvious. They can include headache, dizziness and feeling “foggy” as well as unusual symptoms like sadness, repeating questions, tingling and trouble falling asleep.

Facts About Premature Birth: Prevention and Treatment
A premature baby is born before 37 weeks of gestation.

Facts About Epilepsy: Symptoms and Treatments
Very few children who have a seizure will develop severe epilepsy; less than half of them will have a second seizure.

Facts About Broken Bones: Dangers and Treatments
Your child may have a broken bone if there was a snap or grinding noise; if the limb doesn’t look straight; if there is swelling, bruising, tenderness or a feeling of “pins and needles;” or if it’s painful to put weight on the injured area or move it.
Facts About Babies and Surgery
Most babies that need surgery are born with a specific problem.

Car Seat Safety Tips
Car crashes are the #1 preventable cause of death of children and young adults.
Facts About Scoliosis: Symptoms and Treatments
A small amount of curve in the spine is fairly common. If the spine curves more than 10 degrees, it is considered scoliosis.

Summer Safety
Here's a one-stop shop for information to ensure families stay safe this season.

11 Facts About Concussions
The signs of a concussion aren’t always obvious. And neither is the recovery. Even a mild concussion should be evaluated by a doctor.

The Dangers of Acetaminophen for Children
Acetaminophen, commonly known as Tylenol, is found in many over the counter products and is commonly used to treat ailments like headache, fever, toothache, or muscle injury.

9 Signs Your Child May Be Considering Suicide
Just like adults, kids and teens can have mental health conditions. And just like adults, their conditions are often brushed aside or shrouded in stigma.

Team Kapuna
Emma was admitted to Children’s Hospital Orange County (CHOC) in August 2013 due to an unknown illness. The doctors were perplexed as to what was happening to her. After two weeks of testing, probing, and minor surgeries she was diagnosed with a rare disease called Castleman’s Disease.
Mac Christman – 2015 CHOC Walk Ambassador
For the past 15 years, Mac, his family and supporters have participated in the “CHOC Walk in the Park” as Team Mac to help raise awareness and desperately needed funds for CHOC Children's Hospital and CHOC Children's at Mission.

2015 CHOC Heart Holiday Party
Edwards Lifesciences recently hosted CHOC Children’s Heart Institute Holiday Party, for current and former heart patients and their families.

Juneau’s Story
At 8 years of age, Juneau Resnick experienced a life-changing event. A close family friend, Gina, passed away after a devastating battle with brain cancer.
Family Gives Back to Metabolic Program that Saved Their Daughter’s Life
Charlotte Jordan’s rare and deadly genetic disease went undiagnosed by several physicians until age 3½, when CHOC specialists in the division of metabolic disorders diagnosed her with glycogen storage disease 1a.

Ricky’s Story
Two months after their son Ricky was born, his parents noticed he was getting small bumps on his face. They took him to several doctors until a dermatologist did a skin test, diagnosing him with JXG (juvenile xanthogranuloma), an extremely rare disease that even in its common form affects only one in 1 million children, typically those 10 or younger.