
Sports Safety Tips
Sports safety tips for your athletes. Between school teams and recreational leagues, kids have opportunities to participate in sports year-round.

Family Travel
Here's a one-stop shop for information for traveling with children this summer season. These tips can help you enjoy happy and healthy travels with your loved ones.

Keep calm with muscle relaxation
Belly breathing can help you relax, feel better and help your body to work its best. Try these 7 steps to calm the mind and produce a state of relaxation in your body.

Tips for getting active to help reduce anxiety and worry
Belly breathing can help you relax, feel better and help your body to work its best. Try these 7 steps to calm the mind and produce a state of relaxation in your body.

6 Tips for Expressing Yourself Through Journaling
Getting your feelings out, as you can through journaling, can help you better understand the problems you are dealing with and find good solutions that can help you feel better.

CHOC Children’s Long Live Childhood™ Social Media Sweepstakes Official Rules
No purchase necessary. A purchase or payment of any kind will not increase your chances of winning.

6 tips for using your imagination to help you heal through guided imagery
Belly breathing can help you relax, feel better and help your body to work its best. Try these 7 steps to calm the mind and produce a state of relaxation in your body.

The Fiscal Conservative’s Case for Proposition 4
The passage of Prop 4 will approve $1.5 billion of General Obligation bonds “to provide a steady and ready source of funds for capital improvement programs for children’s hospitals to improve the health, welfare, and safety of California’s children.”

Prop. 4 Will Help Save Children’s Lives
Proposition 4, the Children’s Hospital Bond on the Nov. 6 ballot, would provide $1.5 billion over 15 years to support this critical, life-saving care.

7 Steps to Calm the Mind and Produce a State of Relaxation Through Belly Breathing
Belly breathing can help you relax, feel better and help your body to work its best. Try these 7 steps to calm the mind and produce a state of relaxation in your body.

CHOC Associate Gives Back with Career in Customer Service
A career in customer service isn't for everyone, but Alba can't imagine doing anything else. She shares what inspires her to give back to others.

Seasoned Pre-Op/PACU Nurse Pursues Passion for Mental Health
Jason Williams, RN, has devoted his 18-year nursing career to CHOC, with nearly all that time in pre-op and PACU. He loved working in those areas, but couldn't pass up on the opportunity to pursue his passion for mental health.

CHOC at Mission Nurse Shares Insight on Advanced Education
A veteran neonatal nurse, Eva Esmaeili recently earned her master’s degree in nursing, while caring for her family and working full time. In this Q &A, she shares what inspired her to return to school, and offers insight to others who may be considering a similar path.

Get a Healthy Start to the School Year
Just in time for back to school, check out the following tips from CHOC experts for a healthy start to the school year.

How to Stand out as a Candidate for CHOC’s RN Residency and Fellowship Programs
CHOC offers residency and fellowship programs for nurses interested in pediatrics. Each program receives 500 applications.

How to Ace the Interview Using These Four Tips
CHOC senior recruiter Isacc Leija offers four easy tips to help job candidates ace their next interviews.

How to Deliver a Successful Interview Using STAR
CHOC senior recruiter Isacc Leija provides tips on how to use the STAR technique to deliver a successful interview.

CHOC Children’s Invites Your Input!
CHOC Children's is conducting its tri-annual Community Health Needs Assessment.

Danielle Mucker Story
Danielle Mucker may be a nurse in CHOC oncology/hematology unit, but with an ability to transform medical care into something fun for patients, she’s also a bit of a magician.

Volunteer Joani’s Story
Joani became a volunteer at CHOC four years ago when she was thinking about going back to school for nursing, but then she fell in love with volunteering and has since contributed more than 500 hours of time.

Wally’s Story
For Justine & her labradoodle Wally, participating in CHOC's pet therapy program is a chance to give back.

Dr Kukreja Story
A leading expert in neonatology and the associate medical director of the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at CHOC Hospital, Dr. Kukreja has earned numerous accolades over his decades-long medical career, including 26 years at CHOC.