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2016 Annual Report

Every path has a destination: a place, an idea, a vision for something great. For many, that destination is CHOC Children’s. Children and their families, health care professionals, supporters and more travel the road to Southern California’s premier children’s hospital. And yet, CHOC is only the start of the journey—it is a jumping-off point to reach your true destination, one of hope and healthy futures.

Download a PDF of the annual report.

Message from our CEO

Kimberly Cripe, CEO

Dear Friends,
At CHOC Children’s, we have an important purpose: to ensure children grow up to live healthy lives. After all, that’s the ultimate destination for every child. To best support our patients on this journey, CHOC itself must become a leading destination for children’s health. I am proud to report this past year we’ve made enormous progress toward this vision, greatly expanding our geographic reach across the globe while solidifying our ability to deliver the best pediatric care right here in Orange County.

In the following pages, you’ll see how our commitment to clinical excellence and innovation is attracting people to us—like 11-year-old Katha, who travels regularly from Canada for an experimental medication at CHOC. Babies are transported to CHOC from anywhere in the country to receive our U.S. News & World Report-ranked neonatal services. Locally, Orange County pediatricians are making CHOC their destination by joining the new CHOC Children’s Network.

The efforts that take place within our walls have far-reaching effects across the world. Take for instance the newly created Society for Pediatric Innovation. In January, CHOC hosted a four-day conference, where more than 500 entrepreneurs, researchers, clinicians, students, patients and parents from 18 countries came together to discuss the future of pediatric health care, sending countless ideas out into the world with unimaginable endpoints.

Finally, and perhaps most profoundly, CHOC is a destination for tremendously talented individuals who choose to work in a dynamic environment dedicated to excellence. Indeed, CHOC is a magnet for health care professionals, attracting like-minded people from all over the world who are passionate and understand the privilege of working with such a forward-thinking institution.

CHOC is touching lives across the street and across the globe. Thanks to the vision of our outstanding associates, medical staff, Board of Directors and compassionate donors, we are well positioned to continue serving as the premier destination for pediatric health care. Given our progress, there are no limits to the number of young lives we can impact.

Kimberly Chavalas Cripe
President and Chief Executive Officer
CHOC Children’s


Destination advocates for mental healthJust like adults, kids and teens can have mental health conditions. And just like adults, their conditions are often brushed aside or shrouded in stigma.

“First of all, just talking about mental health conditions is challenging,” says Heather Huszti, PhD, CHOC Children’s chief psychologist. “You can’t see it, and misperceptions about symptoms and treatment persist in the media and society. We have a lot of education to do to dispel myths.”
Learn more.

destination new environment for tiniest patientsWhen a hospital offers the highest level of care attainable, it carries a responsibility to make that care available to as many patients as possible.

CHOC Children’s does not take that responsibility lightly. Its neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is designated a level 4, the highest level by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The NICU is equipped to care for the most critically ill babies, and in 2016 broke ground on an expansion to add 36 private rooms. Learn more.

destination visionary system of comprehensive careThe road to good health is not always an easy path to navigate. CHOC Children’s is determined to make it a smoother trip for families and providers alike.

This past year, CHOC Children’s Network was created as part of the hospital’s population health strategy, with an end goal of keeping kids healthy. The new network strengthens the relationship between pediatricians and specialists to deliver seamless care along the entire spectrum from wellness and preventive services, to managing chronic disease and treating serious illness. This new approach is the opposite of the historically fragmented health care system in the United States. Learn more.

destination clinical care that attracts patients worldwideEvery year, patients travel to CHOC Children’s to access care they can’t find anywhere else, including cutting-edge clinical trials. Their willingness to crisscross the globe to participating these studies has placed the hospital on the map as a leading destination for innovative care.

One of these families is the McGregor family of Blackfalds, Alberta, Canada who found CHOC while searching for treatment alternatives for their 11-year-old daughter, Katharina (Katha). Katha has Niemann-Pick disease Type C (NP-C), a rare genetic disease that causes cholesterol to accumulate in the brain, lungs, liver and spleen, leading to deterioration and early death. Learn more.

destination meaningful life following cancer treatmentIf you are searching for the definition of survivor, you need look no further than Amy Jennings. Her journey—from being rushed to the emergency room at age 16 with extreme pelvic pain and the discovery of tumors spread all over her uterus and ovaries to her life today as a 31-year-old nurse, wife and mother—demonstrates how medical advances combined with sheer human determination have created a new generation of cancer survivors living full, meaningful lives. Learn more.

destination opportunity to touch the future

Husband-and-wife Michael Muhonen, MD, CHOC neurosurgeon, and Linda Muhonen, MD, CHOC cardiologist, are determined to leave a legacy that allows CHOC to continue delivering excellent care well into the future. In that spirit, they started The Muhonen Family Endowment fund supporting the CHOC Children’s Neuroscience Institute.

Along with donating monthly to grow their endowment fund, the Muhonens also arranged a planned gift through a $1 million life insurance policy that will support the Neuroscience Institute after their passing. Learn more.

From There to Here

destination from here to there

CHOC Children’s is proud to have a reputation that attracts physicians and staff from all over the world.

Learn where some of our amazing doctors and nurses came from and why they chose CHOC as their destination. Find out more here.

Foundation News

CHOC Children’s Foundation and its donors share a deep commitment to meeting the needs of children, their families and our community. Thousands of individuals, foundations and businesses have invested their energy and financial resources to make CHOC a home for promising research, and a destination for exemplary, compassionate care. Learn more.

Annual report Foundation news

Board of Directors

David Dukes - Chair
CHOC Children’s Orange
CHOC Children’s at Mission Hospital
Children’s HealthCare of California

Barry T. Ryan, J.D., Ph.D. - Chair
CHOC Children’s Foundation

Marshall Rowen, M.D. - Chair
CRC Real Estate Corporation

Dick Ackerman
Sam Auriemma - Vice Chair
Michael Colglazier
Kimberly Cripe - President & CEO
Vijay Dhar, MD
David Dukes - Chair
Howard Federoff, MD
Chancellor Howard Gillman, PhD
Joe Kiani
Doug McCombs
Marshall Rowen, MD
Kimberly Sentovich
Thomas Tierney

Invited Members of Affiliate Boards, Administrative & Medical Staff:
Antonio Arrieta, MD
Marcia Folli
Jay Gabriel - Secretary
Matthew Gerlach - EVP/COO
Paul Lubinsky, MD
Maria Minon, MD
Melanie Patterson
Barry Ryan, JD, PhD – CCF Chair
Kerri Schiller - CFO/Assistant Secretary
Jacqueline Winkelmann, MD

Stephanie Argyros
Christine Bren, PsyD
John Carpino
Kimberly Cripe - President & CEO
Jeff Elghanayan
Jerry Flannery
Greg Gluchowski, Jr.
Michael Gritters
Steve Holley
Cary Hyden
Daniel Hyman
Ali Kavianian, MD
Jason Knight, MD
Gigi Kroll, MD
Delphine Lee
Heather Madden
Caroline Marchant
Adrienne Matros, PsyD - Secretary
Shruti Miyashiro
Chris Rommel - Vice Chair
Barry Ryan, JD, PhD - Chair
Gary Smith
Steve Solomon
Jon Storbeck
David Sugden
David Willis

Invited Members of Affiliate Boards, Administrative & Medical Staff:
David Dukes - CCO/CCMH/CHC Chair
Dennis K. McClellan - VP/CDO
Marshall Rowen, MD - CHC Finance Committee Chair
Kerri Schiller - CFO/Assistant Secretary
Suki Carter - Guild Liaison to the Board

Sam Auriemma
Kimberly Cripe - President & CEO
Janet Davidson
David Dukes - Chair
Jeff Elghanayan
Howard Federoff, MD
Chancellor Howard Gillman, PhD
Doug McCombs
Marshall Rowen, MD - Vice Chair
Thomas Tierney

Administrative Staff:
Jay Gabriel - Secretary
Matthew Gerlach - EVP/COO
Kerri Schiller - CFO/Assistant Secretary

Kimberly Cripe - President & CEO Janet Davidson - Vice Chair

David Dukes
Jeff Elghanayan
Marshall Rowen, MD - Chair
Patrick Salas

Administrative Staff:
Jay Gabriel - Secretary
Matthew Gerlach - EVP/COO
Kerri Schiller - CFO/Assistant Secretary


Annual Report 2016 Foundation Financials

Annual Report 2016 Orange Financials

Annual Report 2016 CHOC Children's Financials

Annual Report 2016 CHOC Mission Financials
