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CHOC Mental Health Education Program | How do I know we’re still friends? Navigating peer relationships during COVID-19

CHOC Mental Health Education Program

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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way that youth interact and interpret social relationships. This presentation will discuss the characteristics of positive peer relationships. Participants will explore common misperceptions that can occur when communicating through social media. Strategies to safely interact on social media will be reviewed. Parents will be introduced to techniques to help increase positive social interactions and breaks from technology.

Date: Thursday, September 23, 2021

Time: 5:00pm to 6:00pm (PST)

Location: Zoom

Target Audience: Parents/General Community

Languages Available: English

Topic Age Range: Middle School (Ages 11-13 YO) | High School (Ages 13-18 YO)

Launched in July 2017, CHOC’s Mental Health Education Program (MHEP) and our team of pediatric mental health specialists have provided hundreds of educational sessions to thousands of community members, including youth, parents, educators, and providers. Through our presentations and trainings, we strive to partner with and equip our community stakeholders with the needed knowledge, tools, and resources to support the wellness of our County’s children, adolescents, and young adults. If you have any questions about our educational offerings, please contact our MHEP team at