The Facts about Type 1 Diabetes

two young boys laughing


Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system damages the pancreas so that it can’t make enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps blood sugar (glucose) get into the cells of the body to be used as fuel. When glucose can’t enter the cells, it builds up in the blood, causing high blood sugar. High blood sugar can cause problems with blood vessels, nerves, eyes, kidneys, the heart and other areas of the body.


Type 1 diabetes often appears suddenly. In children, type 1 diabetes symptoms may be similar to the flu. Symptoms can include unusual thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger yet with weight loss, loss of appetite, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting. Diagnosis is usually done with a blood test.

Children with type 1 diabetes must have multiple daily injections of insulin to keep the blood glucose level within normal ranges. Insulin is given either by injection or insulin pump. Treatment also includes eating the right foods at the right time to manage blood sugar, and regular blood testing to check glucose levels.


Only 5 percent of all people with diabetes have type 1. The remainder has another kind called type 2 diabetes, which is much more common in adults. While type 1 diabetes occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin, type 2 diabetes occurs when the body isn’t able to use insulin properly, even when it is present. Type 1 diabetes cannot yet be prevented, but in many cases type 2 diabetes may be prevented or delayed with a healthy lifestyle. Type 2 diabetes is most often diagnosed in adults, though a rising number of children are being diagnosed with the disease.

Meet Dr. Daniels

The diabetes education program at CHOC has developed into a comprehensive bilingual program for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This program is committed to provide comprehensive care for children and teens with diabetes and to help them live complete lives with diabetes.

“Type 1 diabetes is a long-term, chronic condition, with potential, though rare, fatal consequences if not managed regularly,” CHOC endocrinologist Dr. Mark Daniels says. “An endocrinologist can help a child and his or her family come to terms with the disease and find ways to fit it into their lives.”

Dr. Mark Daniels

Dr. Mark Daniels
Medical Director of CHOC Endocrinology and Diabetes

Sisters Create Diabetes App to Help Patients Communicate with Caregivers

Sisters smiling together

After living with Type I diabetes for most of their childhood, Reece and Olivia Ohmer were already well-versed in educating their family about how they were feeling and caring for themselves. But both girls eventually became bogged down by responding to frequent and complex check-ins and reminders. Looking for a better way to communicate with their parents and physicians, the sisters created a diabetes emoticon app.

Knowledge is the best medicine. Learn more about your child's health in these features from the experts at CHOC.

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