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Fetal MRI

What is an MRI?

An MRI is a safe way for doctors to see inside your body without using X-rays or radiation. It uses strong magnets and radio waves to create detailed pictures of your organs, bones, and tissues.

During the scan radio waves move atoms in your body. A powerful antenna collects the signals and sends them to a computer. The computer creates a clear black-and-white image. These Images help doctors find any issues.

Is a fetal MRI dangerous?

No, MRIs are safe and easy. They don’t use radiation, and there are no known health risks from the magnetic field or radio waves. You can have many MRI scans without any side effects.

Due to the strong magnet, an MRI cannot be done on patients with:

  • Implanted pacemakers
  • Cochlear implants
  • Certain prosthetic devices
  • Implanted drug infusion pumps
  • Neurostimulators
  • Bone-growth stimulators
  • Certain intrauterine contraceptive device
  • Any other type of iron-based metal implants

Please tell the radiology department or fetal coordinator if you have any implants or devices. Your care team will discuss the guidelines with the patient and family before the study.

What to expect during your MRI Visit

Before the MRI:

  • You should not eat or drink for at least 4 hours before your Fetal MRI
  • All jewelry, including piercings, must be removed before your appointment. This includes:
    • Permanent jewelry
    • Magnetic eyelashes
    • Acrylic nails with metallic decorations
    • Dermal piercings, etc.
  • Please arrive one hour prior to your scheduled appointment time.
  • It is important to arrive on time, as you will need to check in, provide screening information, and change. If you cannot arrive at the scheduled time, please call the MRI department at 714-509-9074. If you are late, we may not be able to perform your MRI.
  • You can bring one adult with you for support, and we highly recommend doing so. They can go with you into the scan room as long as they pass the MRI Safety Screening. Please note that this exam does not involve radiation; it only uses a large magnet.

During the MRI

  • The exam will last 45 minutes, and no breaks will be given; unless necessary
  • You will be asked to change into a gown, keeping only your underwear, socks and shoes on. You cannot wear any jewelry, bras, or hair accessories that contain metal.
  • Please use the restroom before the exam. Let us know if you or your support person have any questions or concerns before we start.
  • Please be aware that you cannot bring your cell phone, purse, wallet, keys or watch into the scan room. Your personal belongings will be saved in a locker.
  • Once inside the scan room, we will provide you with earplugs to help block out some of the noise. The camera used to take the pictures creates a lot of sound, like construction noise. This noise will not harm you or your baby.
  • You will be asked to lie on your left side. We will position cameras around your body and secure them with straps. This will help us to get a clear signal from all angles. We will make every effort to keep you as comfortable as possible, using plenty of pillows for support.
  • You might feel warm during the exam. This is entirely normal.
  • We will give you an emergency squeeze ball. If you need to talk to us or are struggling during the exam, squeeze the ball, and we will be right there to help you.

After the MRI

  • Once the exam is finished, we will let you change into your clothes and walk you out to the lobby.
  • The radiologist will review the images on the same day. A report will be sent to your ordering physician. We will also give you a disc with a copy of the images.
  • If you have any questions, please ask the MRI technologist during your visit.