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The Language of Care

CHOC Language Services is committed to being the voice for non-English speaking patients and their families. Its primary mission is to ensure that everyone, regardless of the language they speak, has full access to all the resources and services CHOC offers. By bridging communication gaps, CHOC Language Services helps create an inclusive environment where every patient receives the care and support they need.

“The Language of Care” Transcript

Rosa: CHOC Language Services is a voice for non-English speaking patients and families. We make them feel comfortable and relieved that there is someone that can speak for them. Sara: The role of Language Services is to make sure that even patients and families with limited English proficiency can access everything CHOC has to offer. Pierre: All of us definitely have empathy, compassion and try to become the voice of the patient. Estefanie: Helping bridge the gap. Helping people communicate. It’s a public service. Sara: We have to be in tune with that person. Feel what they’re feeling. Understand what they’re saying to fully communicate their message. Pierre: Their are translation services in all languages, not just Spanish. Rosa: No matter what language you speak, we will always be able to help you. Estefanie: When families have the services of an interpreter, they feel heard and respected. Sara: We are both a conduit of language and, especially as staff interpreters, that advocacy piece. Estefanie: After an encounter with a patient and their doctor, I love it when I hear the patient say, “Thank you, doctor. I’ve understood everything clearly.” That tells me I’ve done my job efficiently. Rosa: I love coming to work everyday because I learn and I know that I make a big difference. Sara: Interpretation at its core is a very humanitarian effort. Pierre: Interpreters are Defenders of Childhood.