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CHOC & Rady Children's
Together, building
healthier futures.

At CHOC, Long Live Childhood is our mantra. It is our rallying cry. We live it. We breathe it. We practice it. Every day. In every way. That’s why we’ve assembled a mighty brigade of pediatric experts, researchers, premier facilities and generous donors dedicated to giving kids the best chance of growing into healthy and happy adults.
A World-Class Destination for Children’s Health
CHOC Health Topics
At five months old, Easton had cranial vault remodeling to correct skull shape abnormalities. Now, he celebrates his ‘cranioversary’ or ‘scar day’ each year.
With influenza B cases on the rise, a CHOC expert offers advice to parents about the virus.
Measles is one of the most contagious infections. To prevent the spread of measles, about 95% or more of the population must be immunized.